Whoa, Nellie!

Are you a Nervous Nellie? Or perhaps you’re a Negative Nellie. Has anyone ever said to you, “Not on your…

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Undone - a Review

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 is a different kind of zombie book, one that will without a doubt grab your attention. I thought it…

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Whoa, Nellie!

Are you a Nervous Nellie? Or perhaps you’re a Negative Nellie. Has anyone ever said to you, “Not on your…

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Mr. Muffins Goes to Paris – a Review

Cats are lovable, playful companions, and they each have their own personality. Cats all have a few things in common though: they are incredibly sneaky, and they like to go places. If given the opportunity, they would all be globe-trotters. Mr. Muffins is a perfect example of this.

July 2024 Writing Prompts

What would happen if fish skin was used to replace burned skin? What if a mama bird built her nest, laid her eggs, and then raised her babies on your back porch? What if your town was terrorized by chickens? What if your two-year-old child’s paintings sold for thousands of dollars each? These writing prompts should keep you busy for the entire month of July.