Is black clothing a magnate or a magnet for animal hair? Does a horse have a main or a mane? Did Native American Indians eat maize or maze?
How would you create an invisible sculpture, and would you be able to sell it? Your town is flooded and a monster, disturbed by the turbulent flood waters, emerges from the river. What happened to the inhabitants of the lost Roanoke colony? And what would fill your time if your computer and internet connection went down?
Three young men who have just graduated from law school are on their way home after all the celebrations. Drunk and high, they hit a child on a bicycle. After examining the child, they are certain she is dead, so they bury her and her bicycle in the woods. Being buried alive is the stuff of nightmares.
A beloved older cat saves a young kitten from the terrors of the night. What if there were no moon? What if humans bonded the same way that a group of capuchin monkeys do? How do acorn woodpeckers and red-headed woodpeckers prepare for winter? The following writing prompts should ignite your imagination and keep you busy all of September.