Assault on St. Valentines by Peter Hallett has to be the most politically incorrect book I’ve ever read, and I absolutely loved it! The action began on page one and it never stopped. Just reading it wore me out; I don’t know how the characters made it through the story without collapsing from exhaustion.
A town in rural England has been taken over by terrorists. They are killing all of the inhabitants, no exceptions. Hicks, one amazingly tough guy, manages to get away and kills several of the terrorists in the process.
Hicks only has himself to look after. Then this woman, right before she is killed in front of him, asks him to watch after her little girl who is still in the house. He runs in to get the little girl and saves her from the two terrorists that are still in the house. Now he has a little girl, Bethany, to watch out for. And she brings along her gun that shoots bubbles and her teddy bear.
I don’t know of many authors that are brave enough to write a book such as this. I’m not going to name just who the terrorists are, but I’m willing to bet that you will guess it right.
The only thing I know about a gun is how to fire one, so all of the talk about the kinds of guns that were used went over my head a bit. Still, if you are a gun lover and know all about these different weapons, you’ll love the gun talk.
I’m not much into shoot-em-up books, but once Bethany entered the story, things took on a bit more meaning for me. I wanted to see this little girl survive, and I would have killed to see that she made it.
Hicks experienced and survived so much more than any one man should have to. I want to say that no human could ever do what he did, but in times of war and terrorist attacks, people are capable of some amazing things.
Just because I loved this book doesn’t mean you will. It wasn’t broken down into chapters. That threw me a bit at first, but I got used to it. And I thought about how hard it must have been for Mr. Hallett to write it that way.
There is a lot of blood, an extreme amount of violence (terrorists are taking over a country), and a lot of cussing. Will Hicks and Bethany make it out of England? Or will the terrorists win?
The spectacular ending will make you want to read more by this talented writer.

Peter Hallett
Mr. Hallett, I congratulate you on writing a book that I know will keep my husband’s interest until the very last page. There really aren’t many books out there that will do that.
I downloaded this book for free from Amazon. No review was required or expected. If you would like to add a copy of this action-packed book to your library, I have provided an Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: Assault on St. Valentines
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About the Author:
Peter Hallett originates from Haydock, England. He has also written scripts for independent movies and worked for a leading genre publication.
Seems outside my general comfort zone, but I’ve been looking to break free from that and this might be that book. Thanks for the review