Nathan is not having a good day. He’s on a business trip, but that’s not the bad thing. The bad thing is that the building he’s in is attacked by terrorists who are after him, and he, along with his attorney, must escape them. He doesn’t just want to escape them though. While most would freak out and try to run away, Nathan does the exact opposite. He is going to defeat these terrorists if it is the last thing he does.
When I first read the name of the book, I thought that werewolves would be a part of the story, but I was wrong. There are none of those supernatural creatures, but Nathan believes that he has a connection with wolves.
Not only is Nathan fighting terrorists, but he is also fighting the zombie disease that is spreading like wildfire. These zombies are nasty. Okay. Zombies aren’t exactly known for their cleanliness, but these also drool this nasty black oil. Yuck. And they are growing smarter by the minute. How long before they have the intelligence of the humans they once were?
There are times when it’s not completely clear just whose side Nathan is on. This hero who could possibly be a villain is intriguing.
In this book where the action continues from the first page to the last, the reader is taken on Nathan’s “adventure” with him. Whether fighting the terrorists, escaping them, or pretending to align with them, the reader goes right along with him. Defeat is a word that Nathan Serebus does not know the meaning of.
Will Nathan succeed in defeating these terrorists and the zombies that appeared with them? Books two and three are on the way, so there is more ahead for Nathan.
If you like books that are full of twists, turns, and action from page one until the last, this is a book you don’t want to miss. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like your own copy of this book, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: Behold Darkness: Wolves of the Apocalypse (Unclean Evolution, Book 1)
Underneath the title of each chapter is a song. For example, chapter 27, “Windows of the Soul,” has the song “Awake and Alive” by Skillet mentioned beneath it. These songs made reading the book even more enjoyable for me.
Recommended Article: The Power of Music – Guest Post by LC Champlin
Favorite Sentences:
Dim industrial stairs screamed horror movie, the kind with ax murderers or slavering monsters, where buxom blondes died of acute lack-of-common-sense-itis.
Herding panicked people into a pen and hoping for a positive outcome ranked as the height of foolishness.
Whether the old complainer lived or died mattered as much to Nathan as the fate of the morning’s coffee grounds.
Albin observed a moment of silence for the death of common sense.

wolf, flickr
New Words Learned:
amarok – An amarok, or amaroq, is a gigantic wolf in Inuit mythology, said to stalk and devour any person foolish enough to hunt alone at night.
bollards – thick, low posts
eldritch – spooky, eerie, weird
fetor – a strong, offensive smell; stench
juris doctor – a law degree from a university
revenant – something, esp a ghost, that returns
strafe– attack
windlass – a machine for raising weights by winding a rope or chain upon a barrel or drum driven by a crank, motor, etc
About the Author, LC Champlin:
Writer, traveler, adventurer. Lover of all things geek and dark, I admire villains, antagonists, and rogues more than a little. They really do have more fun, and they can teach us important life lessons.
I write fiction because the characters in my head have too much attitude to stay in my skull, I want to see the world through different eyes, and I want to live life through different souls.
I write zombie apocalypse/horror/thriller books because it’s in the dark that we see a person’s true character. Plus, who doesn’t like shooting zombies?
Check out my site,, for book updates and blog posts about villains, weird science, and more.
The book sounds good but the subtitle may turn me off I didn’t read that it’s not supernatural in theme. Thanks for the clarity!
Much success your way and thanks for reading and writing!
author of Brain Tales, Blood Day, Arm Farm and more