The past holds secrets just waiting to be told that will reveal the truth about what really happened when two men disappeared. Will Dylan and Letty be able to clear their great-grandfathers’ names?

Because of the title of this book, Bound for Love, I thought that this was going to be a love story. Is it a love story? Yes, in a way, but it is so much more than a straightforward romance. This is a paranormal story, a story of a ghost that won’t go away, a ghost who because of its own actions, is a “victim” of unrequited love (if you could call what it felt love).
Dylan has gone back home to Georgia. He had been living in Washington, D.C., and went through a bad divorce, one that made the papers. That is not the way one wants to achieve notoriety.
He goes to work for his dad in the family construction business. They get the job of renovating and preparing for sale the Mercier Home, a house under new ownership that has been rumored to be haunted. The new owner is an attractive lady named Scarlett.
Dylan falls—or is he pushed—off the roof of the Mercier Home while working on it. He remembers seeing someone come running at him with arms outstretched that shoved him off the roof, but footage taken of the event doesn’t show anyone else there.

A ghost, very loving one minute and very angry the next, is still hanging around. Will they figure out who the identity of this ghost and send it on its way before they’re killed by it?
Bound by Love is a book that will capture your attention from the first page and hold you hostage until the very last sentence. Once I started reading it, I didn’t want to stop until I reached the end. The heart-stopping intensity and suspense towards the end make it impossible to stop reading. I highly recommend this book to anyone loves a great paranormal romance with mystery.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to purchase Bound by Love for your own reading pleasure, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.

Amazon Link: Bound by Love
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Favorite Sentences:
I wished his metabolism would suddenly screech to a halt and he’d inflate like the Michelin Man.
God, how petty and childish a grown man can sometimes be.
Like most abandoned houses, legends grew about it, tales of ghostly lights shining from the windows and the sound of shouts and gunshots that no one investigated.
There were shadows under her eyes, darkening them until they seemed to be dripping down her face like overdone mascara.
New Words Learned:
ambience – the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere, etc., particularly of an environment or milieu

Wikimedia Commons
doughboy – an American infantryman, especially in World War I
ennui – a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom
insolent – boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting
nepotism – patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics
patina – coating
pithy – brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning; terse; forcible
ratooned – cut down so as to produce more
shotgun house – a house in which all the rooms are in direct line with each other usually front to back
syllabub – a drink of milk or cream sweetened, flavored, and mixed with wine or cider.

About the Author:
Toni Sweeney was born in Georgia after the War between the States but before the Gulf War. Her writing career began during an extended convalescence following an automobile accident. Since her recovery, she has survived hurricanes in the South, tornados and snow-covered winters in the Midwestern United States and currently lives amid
the sunshine, earthquakes, and forest fires of Orange County, California. She’s now trying for her second 30 years as a resident of the Great Plains.
Currently, she reviews books for Amazon and is also on the review staff of the New York Journal of Books and the Paranormal Romance Guild. She was recently named a Professional Reader by She is also promotion manager for Class Act Books publishers.
Thank you for the wonderful review, Lisa. About the title…originally, it was to be called EVIL LIVES AFTER but the publisher opted for BOUND BY LOVE.