Category: Fiction Writing

Comma Splices

If I were to have a nightmare, I’m pretty sure that it would be about commas. There are so many rules about how to use this little punctuation mark correctly that it can drive a person insane. Some of these rules are easy to remember though. What is a comma splice? Splice means to join…

Dr. Seuss Day & Other Bizarre Holidays

Do you prefer to write mysteries or romances, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction? Whatever genre you prefer to write in, I’m sure you can find a way to include one of the bizarre holidays that occur in March in your story. It will add a bit of something different to your story.…

Favorite Irish Folk Tales – a Review

Seumas MacManus retells fifteen marvelous Irish folk tales that are full of adventure. The similarities between many of these folk tales and a lot of the fairy tales I was already familiar with astounded me. These tales have not been watered down any, so some of them are violent and bloody. A lot of these tales…

Witch Hysteria Day & Other Weird Holidays

Are you going to rescue a mistreated horse on National Horse Protection Day? How much peanut butter will you eat on National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day? On Witch Hysteria Day, will you research what really happened during the Salem witch trials? How many books will you read on World Book Day? March is full of…