Is traditional knowledge or belief known as lore or lower? Would you build a house with lumbar or lumber? Should you spray mace or Mace into the face of an attacker?

lore, lower
Lore is the traditional knowledge or belief. That is the definition we’re all familiar with.
But in zoology, lore is the space between the eye and the bill of a bird, or a corresponding space in other animals, as snakes. This is usually used in the plural.
Town lore says that a ghost haunts the forest.
One of the many definitions of lower is to be or become dark, gloomy, and threatening.
Angry clouds lowered over the house.

Luger, Ruger
Luger is a brand of automatic pistol of 9-millimeter caliber, made in Germany.
“From its adoption, the Luger was synonymous with the German military through the end of World War II,” Aaron Davis wrote in The Standard Catalog of the Luger. 7d2eaba39994
Ruger is a firearm manufactured by the Ruger company.
The Ruger GP100 .357 Magnum has a well-earned reputation for ear-splitting noise.

lumbar, lumber
lumbar – of, near, or situated in the part of the back and sides between the lowest ribs and the pelvis
Because of pain in her lumbar region from sitting all day at the office, she bought a lumbar support pilllow.
lumber – timber sawed or split into planks, boards, etc.
Another definition of lumber is to move clumsily or heavily, especially from great or ponderous bulk
The pile of lumber was steadily growing.
mace, Mace
A mace is a clublike armor-breaking weapon of war, often with a flanged or spiked metal head, used chiefly in the Middle Ages.
Many different maces were on display at the museum.
Mace is a nonlethal spray containing purified tear gas and chemical solvents that temporarily incapacitate a person mainly by causing eye and skin irritations: used especially as a means of subduing rioters.
As part of their training to be guards at the prison, applicants were sprayed with Mace.
Mach, mark, mock
Mach is short for Mach number, the ratio of an object’s speed in a given medium to the speed of sound in that medium.
Mach 1 refers to the point at which an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound, creating a sonic boom.
A visible impression or trace on something, as a line, cut, dent, stain, or bruise is one of the many definitions of mark.
A mark, invisible to the naked eye, was placed on her hand so she could enter.
To mock is to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision.
The girl, routinely mocked for her unique appearance, had learned to simply ignore the rude remarks.

made, maid
Made is the simple past tense and past participle of make.
She made homemade chicken potpies for dinner.
A maid is a female domestic servant with any of various duties, especially in a large house.
Lucy Eyelesbarrow was the maid that everyone wanted to employ in the Agatha Christie book What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw.
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