Never did I imagine that anything would end the friendship of Nathan and Albin. Those two have been through so much and fought side by side against the cannibals. But this friendship ended on a bad note with one of them being shot by the other. Now, not only does Nathan have to stop the oil-drooling cannibals, he has do so with Albin working against him. Not cool.
And if this community does survive, how will they manage to get food? What is left of the government isn’t sending any food or supplies to help them out, so Nathan must enlist help from those inside this community.
At first, the cannibals had been easy to take down. They had barely been able to walk. Then they began to work together and, if possible, became more physically fit. Now, they could launch themselves over walls and their hordes were becoming more difficult to get away from or defeat. If they continue to evolve and gain more skill each day, how long will it be before the humans are helpless against them? Could this be it for humanity?
Day of Darkness, the third book in the Unclean Evolution series, will not disappoint. It is an exciting read from the first page to the last. For anyone who likes reading about the undead and the havoc they wreak, this series is unputdownable.
When reading this book, I suggest listening to the song beneath each chapter title before reading the chapter. This will add more meaning to what you read. Examples of the songs used in this book are scattered throughout this review.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like your own copy, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.
Anazon Link: Day of Darkness (Unclean Evolution Book 3)
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Favorite Sentence:
Sometimes people needed to hear a lie to save their sanity.
Unsurprisingly, the government demanded he spin straw into gold, yet refused to supply him even the straw.
A toddler could figure out how to untie the knot, but could the cannibal?
The smile that followed held all the reassurance of a fox’s concern for a rabbit’s safety.
Rage hot as lava, as molten steel, roared in Nathan’s veins.
New Words Learned:
engender – to produce, cause, or give rise to
fealty – loyalty, devotion
gibbous – Astronomy . (of a heavenly body) convex at both edges, as the moon when more than half full.
philtrum – the vertical groove on the surface of the upper lip, below the septum of the nose
QEAM – quick erecting antenna mast
torpor – dormancy, as of a hibernating animal
worried – harassed; tormented

About the Author, LC Champlin:
Writer, traveler, prepper. Lover of all things geeky and dark. Lifetime conservative and Christian.
I write fiction because the characters in my head have too much attitude to stay in my skull. I want to see the world through different eyes, and I want to live life through different souls.
I write dystopian/horror/thriller books because it’s in the dark that we see a person’s true character.
Check out my site lcchamplin.com for book updates and blog posts about villains, weird science, and more.