How devious can one be? Is it worth it to blackmail someone for a crime they’ve committed, or should you inform the police? Should you stick with family even when they are breaking the law? What if they are involved in the human trafficking of young girls?
Tisha is a prisoner when the book opens. She has no clue why she has been kidnapped. She has fled Shout and her old life for a job with the federal government. Her new job puts her in some dangerous situations, and now those unsavory situations involve Shout’s dad, and Shout is suspected of being involved too. Tisha cannot believe that the man she loves would be involved in something so horrible.
She is investigating the trafficking and sale of young girls being brought into the country from the Dominican Republic. She travels to the Dominican Republic to investigate and attempts to save the young girls that think they are going to a better life than the hell they are living in now. Little do they know that their hell is about to get even hotter.
Jordan Ellis is dead, murdered by Juicy. After the murder, Juicy walks into the ocean with the intent of going until the water kills her, but she is pulled from the water by Santos. She doesn’t fall in love with him, but she uses him. She decides to stay in Florida and opens a salon, Body Goddess. Things look great until she receives a fax, one that says this person was a witness to what she did to Jordan. What will this mean for Juicy with her new life and new identity?
Shout and Tisha’s relationship is up and down, the way it has always been. They seem to love each other but can’t get on the same page. And when he finds out that Tisha is looking into what his dad is up to, well, he doesn’t handle it the greatest. Even though he isn’t that fond of his dad, he doesn’t like him being investigated because he is family. At the end of the book, their relationship is still up in the air, but Tisha knows something that Shout does not. When and if he finds out, will it change things?
The author sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to become involved in Tisha’s life and see what she does next, I have provided an Amazon link for this book below.
Amazon Link: Devious: A Tisha Ariel Nikkole Novel #3
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open up to imagination,
Favorite Sentences:
Tisha sorta liked the nickname; it made her think of the strong Sherman tanks the army used to trample over their enemies.
So many of the guys in prison talked about how their families insisted they break the law so their little brothers or sisters could have new Jordans or the latest North Face or whatever.
He hadn’t fought his way off the island and made it to America to be punked like some nerd in the schoolyard by the likes of Angel.
The flight back to Miami had about as much excitement as an Amish pie baking contest.
Revenge makes you focus on your enemies to the point that you cannot focus on yourself.

Jheri curl, wikimedia commons
New Words Learned:
Jheri curl – a permed hairstyle that was popular among African Americans during the 1980s. Invented by the hairdresser Jheri Redding, the Jheri curl gave the wearer a glossy, loosely curled look.
About the Author:
Yasmin Shiraz is an author, producer, and filmmaker.
She wrote the award-winning Retaliation novel series, which received a Top Ten Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers nod from the American Library Association’s YALSA Division.
As a producer, she has filmed educational and thought-provoking documentaries that chronicle the lives, traumas, and experiences of youth. Her first production, Can She Be Saved?, is a documentary that examines violence among middle school girls.
As a speaker, she has created programs from her best-selling Blueprint empowerment series focusing on self-esteem, motivational, and educational tools. She regularly speaks at middle and high schools, after school programs, non-profit youth centers, as well as Boys and Girls Clubs throughout the country.
A sociologist by trade, Yasmin Shiraz has studied women’s issues, youth issues, urban conditions, social problems concerning minority populations, violence against women, disparities in the US educational system, and blue-collar vs. white-collar crimes. She applies her sociology training in educating and working with youth throughout the nation.