Who will you hose down with water on Dyngus Day? Do you have an antique to cherish on National Cherish an Antique Day? Will your name be mentioned hundreds of years from now in the history books? If so, why? Will you see a rainbow on Find a Rainbow Day? Are you going to wear tweed clothing on Tweed Day?

antique sewing machine, pixabay
There are an abundance of unusual holidays in April. Whether you prefer to write mysteries or romance, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction, I’m sure you can find one of them that catches your eye and causes storylines to start running through your mind.
Dyngus Day – Dyngus Day is always celebrated on the first Monday after Easter. So, what exactly is this holiday that is popular in Poland and in Polish-American communities? This fun way for boys to meet girls, and girls to meet boys actually takes place over two days. The first day is for the boys. Guys get to chase after gals with water hoses, buckets of water, or any container holding water. Their purpose? Dowse the female with water. No fair you say?

water fight, flickr
Gals, the next day is yours. On this day, you get to throw dishes or crockery back at the guys. Seems to me you should get to spray them with water, too. It might also be a bit safer. Now it is becoming common on the first day of this event for the girls to turn around and dowse the guys.
You could write a historical fiction novel about this holiday. Or you could create a character that is taking part in the festivities. Whatever you choose to write, I think that this one would make a great humorous story.

rainbow, wikipedia
Find a Rainbow Day – Rainbows are beautiful bands of light that appear in the sky when the sun is shining while it is raining. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet are the colors displayed in these bands of light. These breathtaking exhibitions that appear in the sky have been around almost since the beginning of time.
There are several many beliefs about rainbows. Did the rumor that a pot of gold can be found at the end of the rainbow start in Ireland with the leprechauns? Actually, this belief began in Silesia, an obscure part of eastern Europe that is now located in Poland. A pot of gold is believed to have been placed at the end of the rainbow by angels. The only person who can retrieve this treasure is a nude man. Hmm.
Is it possible to walk underneath a rainbow and come out on the other side? Well, according to the laws of physics, this just cannot be done. While your back is to the sun the rainbow is always in front of you. Legend has it, though, that if you do succeed in passing underneath the rainbow you will be transformed—from a man into a woman or from a woman into a man.
For Find a Rainbow Day, pick one of the above beliefs about rainbows and write a fictional story about it. Or do some research and discover what other strange beliefs about rainbows exist and write a story about one of them.

ear, wikipedia
Jenkins Ear Day – Robert Jenkins has a unique claim to fame—his ear was cut off by Spanish guardacosta when the Spaniards boarded his British ship. I think I would rather find another way for history to remember me. As a result of the actions of the Spanish, Britain declared war on Spain and this war, fondly remembered as the “War of Jenkins’ Ear,” lasted about four years.
This event would make a really interesting historical fiction novel. You could create a character who was on board Jenkins’ British ship when the Spanish guardacosta boarded. Relate the events leading up to when Jenkins had his ear cut off and tell what happened afterward.

antique chippendale buffet, wikimedia commons
National Cherish an Antique Day – For a piece of furniture, decorative item, or similar object to be considered an antique, it must be at least 100 years old. For a car to be considered an antique, it only has to be 25 years old. Do you own any antiques? If so, this is the day to cherish your antique and take extra-special care of it.
Have you ever wondered if your piece of antique furniture has feelings? Does your antique desk become angry if someone sets a wet drink on it? Maybe your antique doll has a mind of her own and comes to life when you aren’t around. Possibly an antique, first-edition book you own has a mysterious message written inside—one that was written specifically for you. Choose one of the above scenarios and write a story around it.

Dubarry Blackthorn Tweed Coat, www farlows.co.uk
Tweed Day – Does this day celebrate the thick, woolen, twill styled material that many jackets, suits, and slacks are made of? Or does it celebrate the NYC politician Boss Tweed who stole millions of dollars from New York City? What do you think? My opinion is that it celebrates the warm, woolen clothing that originated in Scotland.
You could write a historical fiction story about Boss Tweed and his corrupt methods or about how tweed material was first made.
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