Inspiration and Writing – Guest Post by Adrian So

I suspect the inspiration for The Groundworld Heroes came from working in the yard and seeing underground animals like prairie dogs and rabbits running around. it might also have come from a class read-aloud book called Alone by Megan E. Freeman, which has a similar setting of the protagonist being stranded in a dangerous place. Another book that might have served as inspiration for The Groundworld Heroes would be one of my childhood favourites, Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl.

As for the descriptions of Groundworld’s realms of Soiland and Puddleland, I’m sure that they didn’t come to me right away. It took me some time to discover what these lands looked and felt like. There was also a great deal of editing and help needed to write perfect descriptions of these places. But the characters, especially the heroes of the story, took little time to form in my mind. I could already start writing about Benjamin Mole and President Hare the minute I began drafting the manuscript. They became more developed and dynamic as I wrote further, but before long, maybe in a few hours’ time, I had already written the first three chapters of The Groundworld Heroes. My book also went through a few title changes during the writing process. It was first called Under the Ground, then Under the World, before being named The Groundworld Heroes because of how catchy it sounds.

Although it hasn’t won massive book awards like the Newbery or risen to the New York Times Bestseller List, I think the reaction to The Groundworld Heroes has been quite positive so far. Upon its release, or even prior to its release, The Groundworld Heroes had been picked up and reviewed by children’s book reviewers. Many different influencers and authors also helped me with the cover reveal campaign by spreading the word about my book, which I’m grateful about. The majority of the reviews show approval for my book, and from my knowledge, a number of libraries also acquired it to add to their collection. 

I usually don’t write a lot or follow a strict writing schedule because I prioritize schoolwork, friends, and family before writing and publishing. Writing is more of a hobby to me, and I don’t treat it like a real job. I think my real job right now is to be a good student. I write or work on marketing for my book only in my free time. Even so, I am starting to feel that I have less time to spend writing because of the increasing amount of schoolwork and the need to spend time with family and friends. I try to find the balance, but unfortunately, I just don’t write as much as I used to.

Recommended Article: The Groundworld Heroes – a Review

Amazon Link: The Groundworld Heroes

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