I hope all of you, my readers, have a wonderful 2025! For your writing prompts this month, you will get to write about New Year’s Day and New Year’s resolutions. Then imagine melted chocolate spilling all over the highway, and a baby (still alive) being found in the trash.

January 1-8
This New Year’s Day was the busiest one I’ve ever had. Something unexpected happened (not bad) and I ended up spending the majority of my day cooking and cleaning up the mess I had made while doing so. I enjoyed the cooking way more than the cleaning though. And that is why this article is a bit later being published than I intended.
So for your first writing prompt of 2025, your character has something unexpected happen on New Year’s Day. It could be something good or something bad, but it should be totally unexpected. How does this unexpected thing that happened affect New Year’s Day for your character?

January 9-16
New Year’s resolutions. Man has been making them since the time of the ancient Babylonians. Theirs were usually to return some borrowed piece of farm equipment, but our resolutions have changed a bit since then. Nowadays, the resolutions are usually to lose weight, get in shape, or somehow better oneself.
What would an unusual New Year’s resolution be? You have a character who wants to be different when it comes to making his or her New Year’s resolutions. What do they come up with? Are they able to keep thrm?

January 17-24
Melted chocolate flowing all over the highway just isn’t something you expect to see. But thirty-thousand pounds of melted chocolate was spilled all over a California highway because of a truck wreck. Would all of this melted chocolate be a dream come true for you if you happened to be driving down this highway? Or would it be a nightmare? Think of the accidents it would cause from vehicles sliding around in the mess. Or the wrecks that would happen from people gawking at chocolate all over the highway.
Okay. Since the chocolate was on the road, and especially since it was there because of a truck wreck, it probably wouldn’t be safe to consume. What a waste. But let’s imagine a huge spill of melted chocolate somewhere else, some place where it could eaten and thoroughly enjoyed.
Where would you want it to be spilled? The first place I thought of was Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Although there are several famous chocolate factories around the world, sadly, Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory isn’t one of them.

January 25-31
Christmas and New Year’s is over and all is calm now. Or so everyone thinks. Some garbage men find a baby in the trash they’ve picked up. For your writing prompt, this baby is still alive. How did the baby (he or she) end up in the trash?
Did the baby fall into the trash? Seeing as how the baby can’t walk or climb yet, it is hard to see this happening. Maybe the baby was inadvertently knocked off the counter, or some other higher place, into the trash can and just not noticed? But how could someone not notice a baby? Even harder to imagine is how this baby went unnoticed (maybe he was knocked out), was taken out with the trash, put in the bin, and then picked up by the garbage truck.
But fiction is a wonderful thing. A way can be made for this to happen. Your story can be a comedy or a mystery. A romance.

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