How well do you remember the history that you were taught in school? That probably depends upon whether you found your history class fascinating or boring.

As a former homeschool parent, I discovered children learn better and retain more of what they are taught when the lessons are not dry and dull. Anyone is sure to enjoy traveling along the Freedom Trail and witnessing the reenactment of the Boston Tea Party with Miles in Miles and the Sons & Daughters of Liberty. The illustrations bring the story to life.
I highly recommend this book for homeschoolers, especially those who are studying that volatile time in our nation’s history. The Boson Tea Party had such an impact that actors act out what happened every December 16th for anyone to watch.
Miles is a cat who accompanied his family on a trip to Boston for the yearly reenactment of the Boston Tea Party. Cats are adventurous and known to get into all kinds of mischief, but Miles is a very well-behaved. His family tells him to be careful as he wanders around Boston. “Miles! Don’t wander off too far. Remember, this is a big city.” If I turned one of my cats loose in any city, I doubt that I would ever see it again. However, Miles is more worried about his family getting lost than he is about himself.
While Miles is wandering around Boston, he encounters people that are dressed strangely and ringing bells. Soon after, he meets a dog, Libby. She leads him along the Freedom Trail as she explains to him what is going on. As Miles learns about the famous Boston Tea Party so do the readers. And not only does Miles learn about this amazing time in history,
A glossary is provided in the back of the book that explains important terms and phrases so the young person reading it can better understand what happened.
For the adults, there is “A Note From the Author” in the front of the book before the story begins. Also, there are three pages after the story ends that goes over what Miles learned in Boston. This would be a great help for the parent/teacher to review and add to what the young person reading the story learns.

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like your own copy of Miles and the Sons & Daughters of Liberty, an Amazon link is provided below.
Amazon Link: Miles and the Sons & Daughters of Liberty
Miles on the Mayflower is another book that is available in this fascinating series.
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