No Way Out will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. This is a story about love and trust. It is a story about drug addiction and how it can destroy your life. It is a story about a woman who refuses to let her disability stop her from being the best that she can be.

If you woke up in a room with bricked-up windows and a boarded-up door where escape looked to be impossible, how would you react? Would you just give up?
Molly wakes up in just such an unthinkable situation, and her disability makes escape seem even more impossible. But how did she end up here in the first place?
Then we go back to how it all happened. By the way, I love it when a book opens up with the main character in dire circumstances and then backtracks to let you know how they ended up in such an impossible situation.
Molly has worked before as an insurance fraud investigator. But her former fiancé has destroyed her sense of self-worth. She goes home and settles for a job as a receptionist at Enchanted Realty. But her boring days are about to end. One day an armed man comes into the office and kills Molly’s friend Gloria, but Molly is kept from being killed by a mysterious stranger, who turns out to be PI Miguel Alvarez.
Molly has no desire to investigate Gloria’s murder until she finds a mysterious text on her phone that Gloria sent her the morning of the day she died. The things she discovers has her investigating a sex cult, some missing money, and a jaded love. Is there anyone Molly can trust?
Once you start this book, be prepared to not put it down again until you reach the end. I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to read this fast-paced, unputdownable book for yourself, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.
Amazon Link: No Way Out
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Favorite Sentences:
Once more, she crawled to her cushion and covered her body in the afghan to seek a way out in the land of nightmares.
Dark shapes, bumpy roads, and the smell of lemon and sage haunted Molly’s dreams.
He walked out the door like a zombie, started the Chevy, and headed back to Archie like a moth to the flame.
When God gave out morals, he skipped Archie.
Now was no time to let a word like impossible stand in her way.
New Words Learned:
casita – a small crude dwelling forming part of a shantytown inhabited by Mexican laborers in the southwestern U.S.

chamisa – a saltbush, Atriplex canescens, of the western U.S. and Mexico, having grayish, scurfy foliage and is also known as a rabbitbush
piñon – any of various small pines (such as Pinus quadrifolia, P. cembroides, P. edulis, and P. monophylla) of western North America with edible seeds. It is also the edible seeds
swamp cooler – An evaporative cooling device; a device that cools air by blowing it through or across a moist pad or membrane.

Xanadu – a place of great beauty, luxury, and contentment
About the Author:
Mystery. Suspense. Empowered women. Tower Lowe (aka Donna Pecherer) tells stories set in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Homeville, Virginia. Her mysteries empower characters with mental health challenges and non-ableist characters from all walks of life. Come join the adventure.
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