Book Five in the twisted saga of Onyx Webb leaves one wanting more. Each of the storylines sinks its teeth into your imagination a bit deeper.
A crippled Stan Lee receives a large settlement for losing his legs. Sitting around bores him. Not only that, he has but one thing on his mind, and that is revenge. The desire to get even with Declan for leaving him at the orphanage is overwhelming. Now that he has the money, he decides to hunt down Declan and take his revenge on him.
Unknown to Stan Lee, someone is hunting him down too.
Koda, Declan’s son, has an unexpected accident. He winds up in the hospital with trauma to his brain and in a coma. The outlook for his recovery is up in the air. This part hit close to home. A bit over twenty years ago, I was in the hospital with brain trauma and not expected to recover. But I shocked the doctors and made a full recovery. Will Koda recover as I did?
While Koda is in the hospital, Mika turns out to be just as much of an ass as I figured she was. Broke and stealing from the Mulvaney’s to get money to support her expensive lifestyle, she boots out of Koda’s house people he had given permission to stay there for their own protection. I really hope Mika gets what she has coming to her soon.
“The Leg Collector” goes on a killing spree. Leaving messages scrawled on his victims’ naked, legless bodies has become a habit of his, one that he enjoys way too much. But eventually, all criminals make a mistake.

journal, flickr
Onyx Webb’s journal continues. Even though she is now a ghost, she continues to live in the lighthouse. As a ghost, she still gets tired, but she can no longer sleep. In my opinion, that would make “life” as a ghost suck.
Katherine, a friend she made when she was kidnapped at a young age, shows up at the lighthouse but stays only briefly. Katherine is on a desperate journey that she must complete in order to see that justice is served.
That is only the tip of the iceberg of what happens in these episodes. If you love books that give you the desire to be able to read faster so you can find out what happens, if you love books that are full of historical fiction, romance, mystery, and the supernatural, this is truly a series you will enjoy. You need to be sure you begin with the first book in the series though.
I was sent this book in exchange for an honest review. If you have a desire to get lost in the world of Onyx Webb, I have provided an Amazon link for you below.
Amazon Link: Onyx Webb: Book Five: Episodes 13, 14, & 15

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Favorite Sentences:
Everything either left his skin too dry, too moist, too oily, too smelly, too sticky or too painful.Onyx was mesmerized by Jackson Pollock’s work, in part because of the man’s free-flowing, chaotic paint splatters, but also because she and Pollock had things in common.
Why in the hell would someone leave a cake out in the rain? (NOTE: I’ve always wondered this too. Find out about that line and how it ended up in the song here.)
Who would want to pay a premium to have their children placed in a private girl’s school where such horrific acts had taken place?
It is easy to forget how precious life truly is when one is wrapped up in the day-to-day struggles life presents.
New Word Learned:
ashram – a secluded building, often the residence of a guru, used for religious retreat or instruction in Hinduism
About the Authors:
Richard and Andrea have been in love with creating stories together since they met almost twenty years ago and even spent some time in Hollywood writing screenplays, being represented by the producer of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Their favorite genres are suspense, thriller, crime and anything of a paranormal nature which is how Onyx Webb turned into a mash-up of all their favorites!
Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz are a married writing team. Most well known for their business fables, they’re professional speakers who teach audiences how to overcome fear of failure and rejection. The Onyx Webb Series is their first serious dive into fiction.