Undone - a Review

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 is a different kind of zombie book, one that will without a doubt grab your attention. I thought it…

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Undone - a Review

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 is a different kind of zombie book, one that will without a doubt grab your attention. I thought it…

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Irish Blessings

aint Patrick’s Day will be here soon. Saint Patrick can be learned about in “Saint Patrick’s Day: Myths, Facts, & Writing Prompts .” The world of leprechauns is explored in “Leprechaun Facts” as well as in “Leprechaunophobia – the Fear of Leprechauns.” The eleven Irish blessings in this article are for use on March 17 or any other day of the year.

Abandoned Amusement Parks Picture Writing Prompts

Abandoned amusement parks can be found all over the world. These deserted parks are creepy, especially if they’ve not been in use for many years. Everything is dirty; the years of neglect through sun, rain, snow, and storms has caused the paint on everything to fade, chip, and crack. Rusted and broken rides abound.

Day of Darkness – a Review

Never did I imagine that anything would end the friendship of Nathan and Albin. Those two have been through so much and fought side by side against the cannibals. But this friendship ended on a bad note with one of them being shot by the other. Now, not only does Nathan have to stop the oil-drooling cannibals, he has do so with Albin working against him.