Whoa, Nellie!

Are you a Nervous Nellie? Or perhaps you’re a Negative Nellie. Has anyone ever said to you, “Not on your…

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Undone - a Review

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑒 is a different kind of zombie book, one that will without a doubt grab your attention. I thought it…

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Whoa, Nellie!

Are you a Nervous Nellie? Or perhaps you’re a Negative Nellie. Has anyone ever said to you, “Not on your…

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Matthew Keith – Indie Authors: It’s About Enjoying the Ride

I can still remember the day I hit Amazon’s “publish” button for the first time. Afterward, I told my wife, “If even one person reads this book and likes it, that’ll be enough for me.” That was in November of 2013. I’d just finished my first novel, a one-hundred-ten-thousand-word, year-and-a-half-long project that had been one…

Hobson’s Choice – a Review

Hobson’s Choice is a collection of fifteen enjoyable short stories by Clive West. They are well-written, entertaining, and thought-provoking, showing that the situations we go through in life do not always have happy endings. Each story ends with an unexpected twist. Some of the stories I enjoyed more than others, but that is normal. The following…

Ways of Darkness (Unclean Evolution, Book 2) – a Review

San Francisco was the site of horrible terrorist attack where a contagion was unleashed that turned humans into oil-drooling zombies. At the end of book one, Nathan, who believes himself to be God’s chosen savior to restore control, manages to escape infection and death. Now the race is on to see who will end up…

LC Champlin – Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Using History and Real-Life Events in Fiction

The best lie has a nugget of truth. Likewise, the best fictional story has a nugget, or maybe an entire Happy Meal, of reality. Check out any fantasy book, and you’ll find parallels to either present or historical elements. They might be leaders, wars, or social movements. So why is truth stranger than fiction? In…

Time Travel and Reincarnation: Is Either Possible? – Guest Post by Elyse Douglas

About ten years ago, Doug visited a hypnotherapist, and while in an altered state, he experienced several past lives.  Although I saw the same person, my experience was different: I didn’t experience much of anything. I have always been skeptical of such things, tending more toward the “if I can’t smell it, taste it, eat…

My Ten Most Popular Articles (So Far)

Lisa’s Writopia was created in February 2015. What are my all-time top ten articles? The ones listed below are the most popular articles on my website. Each title is a link to the article, and the first paragraph of each article is after its title. 1 – Confusing Words – Aah, Ah, Ahh, Aw, and…

Jodie M. Swanson – The Story Behind Her Books

Jodie M. Swanson, a graduate from Owen-Withee High School, has served in the US Air Force and writes what her dreams tell her to. Sometimes she blurs the genre line when writing fantasy, paranormal, military/conspiracy, and alien contact. In her science fiction writing, she uses lots of real-life conversations and experiences. Her first work, Another…

The Angel Warriors: Earthbound – a Review

Have you ever wondered exactly what went on in heaven before Lucifer was cast out? What exactly did he do? Angel Warriors: Earthbound puts a story around those events. The series is fictional, but we will find out when we reach our eternal home just how close this author’s imagination took her to what really…

Bittersweet: 14 Macabre Tales of Love and Loss – a Review

Each of the fourteen stories in this book by Dan HIlliard is short, to the point, and well-written. They will astonish you and possibly keep you awake if you start thinking about them when trying to go to sleep. The Stories: “My Dark Box” – A chilling tale of a deceived worker at a haunted house.…