Secrets: A Tisha Ariel Nikkole Novel #4 – a Review

Do you keep secrets from your significant other? Does he or she keep secrets from you? How damaging would this be to a relationship? Shout and Tisha are no longer together, but it is Shout’s own fault for choosing his murderous father over his fiance. That had to hurt. So Tisha is starting life anew…

Once Upon a Fairy Tale – a Review

The Brothers Grimm didn’t water down their fairy tales when they wrote them; modern society has done that. In their original form, they are full of violence, blood, and gore. Times were different when the Brothers Grimm wrote their fairy tales, and yes, they were intended to be read to children. But Once Upon a Fairy…

Heart Strings – a Review

If someone plays on your heart strings, they are attempting to get sympathy from you. If someone tugs at your heart strings or pulls on your heart strings, they are trying to cause strong feelings of affection or sympathy. In Heart Strings. Lauren is an aspiring writer who has a curiosity that never stops. Never…

Essence of Time – a Review

Imagine your life and your marriage are perfect. You find out you are carrying the child that you and your husband have longed for. Then the military calls your one true love away. That leaves you alone to take care of the farm. How will you survive until he returns? In eighteenth-century Kentucky, Peter and…

Winter’s Silence – a Review

Winter’s Silence is the story of Emily, a six-year-old Jewish girl, who is going through a really rough time. She is a very creative, intelligent child. A large portion of her time is spent in daydreams, the only way she can escape all of the turmoil surrounding her. Through her imagination, she becomes a North…

A Sleigh of Santa Claus

Will your character stumble upon an indulgence of leprechauns who have overindulged in drink? Perhaps your character will seek out a swell of naiads, a delectation of nymphs, a pleasure of pixies, or a resolution of sprites. Is your character so excited to see Santa that he will try to catch him coming down the chimney? How surprised will he be when he discovers that Santa is an elf?

Christmas Writing Prompts – The Birth of Jesus

Did you realize that fiction plays a big part in many of our Christmas traditions? No, I’m not talking about the birth of our Lord and Savior. His birth is not fictional, but many of the things now believed about that special event are; they have been set in place by poetry, books, movies, songs, etc. This is evidence of the effects that fiction writing can have on the world.

The Darker Side of Santa

December 25 has always been a holiday, but it hasn’t always been Christmas. What the Romans celebrated on that day was not the birth of Christ. The pagan festival of Saturnalia took place at this time. The birth of Mithra, the god of light, was celebrated on this day. The story of the conception, birth, and death of Mithra is very similar to the story of Jesus. Mithra is even supposed to have resurrected from the grave.

Cyssanophobia and Other Christmas Phobias

The Christmas season is one of beauty and joy. Decorations, some simple and others showy, can be seen just about anywhere – in stores, in restaurants, in suburbs, in the country. Once the sky darkens, the air is filled with flashing lights of all colors. Men dressed as Santa Claus can be found in just about any store you enter.