The Classic Poison Strychnine

Arsenic, cyanide, and strychnine are the classic poisons. The seemingly innocent little old ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace, one of my favorite movies, used these three poisons in their deadly elderberry wine. One gallon of this toxic wine contained one teaspoon of arsenic, half a teaspoon of strychnine, and just a pinch of cyanide. Unsuspecting…

Martha Kennedy Guest Post/Interview – The Protestant Reformation and Freedom of Religion

Did the Protestant Reformation improve the quality of the lives of wives? Or did it make it worse? When the Anabaptist Swiss immigrated to the U.S. during the 17th and 18th centuries, what three faiths did they bring with them? Why did the Anabaptists believe that the powers of church and state should remain separate?…

K. Hollan Van Zandt Interview – The Great Library, Slave Trafficking, and the Emerald Tablet

What was the inspiration for this book? How long did it take the author to research all the colorful history woven into the story? Who was her favorite character? What are the author’s thoughts on self-publishing? What was your inspiration for this book? Many slender threads begin with romance and synchronicity, and so I started…

Written in the Ashes – a Review

If you like to read about strong women, this is a book you will greatly enjoy. Hannah, a victim of human trafficking in 5th-century Sinai, is taken to a land in which she is unfamiliar with their ways and customs. She manages to rise above all the hardships she experiences there to become a woman…

Danvers State Hospital & Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Have you ever thought about using a mental hospital in your story? The reasons people were admitted to these institutions suggest many different story ideas. The cruel and inhuman way many of them were treated can also fill one’s head full of ideas about the patients, those who “cared” for them, and those who had…

Surrounded by Creepy Crawlies

Did you realize we are surrounded by creepy crawlies?  These creatures are enough to bring on scary dreams if you think long enough about them.  One or more of these creepy crawlies could be used as fodder for a nightmare-inducing tale. If your character has acarophobia (an irrational fear of small bugs), murophobia (irrational fear…

Owls: Harbingers of Doom

According to, a superstition is a belief or notion, not based reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.  It is an irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious. Many myths and legends, good and bad, exist about the owl. Some see them…

Crescent City – a Review

Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in demons? Do you believe that one being could be both? Vivien is a reporter that lives in Crescent City. Working on the story about Hurricane Katrina left her feeling burnt out. Then something happens that reinvigorates the investigative journalist in her. After digging deep into the…

My Cold Kentucky Home – a Review

Could a land be so haunted that the residents of any houses or apartments built on that land are doomed? We’ve all heard about the possessed house in Amityville, but are you ready for the horrors of Hubertson? The supernatural occurrences at Hubertson and the land it is built on are subtle, but that doesn’t…