And Then There Were Bodies - a Review

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Writing: To Impress or to be Understood? – Guest Post by Brian O’Hare

A teacher of English literature was lecturing a class of adolescents on one of the syllabusā€™s prescribed modern novels. She selected a short passage which included the following two sentences: ā€œVanessaā€™s passage was impeded by the buildingā€™s front door. The door was blue.ā€ She read the sentences aloud and said to the class, ā€œWhat did…

Waterkill – a Review

From the beginning of the book, you know the death and destruction the terrorists are planning. The tension builds chapter by chapter until it finally explodes. Lives are at risk, and the action never slows down. Taking you to locations in the United States, Yemen, Germany, Iran, Austria, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Mexico, this fast-paced…

Matthew Keith Interviewā€“ Nightmares, Inspiration, and a Nameless Character

Have nightmares ever been an issue for this author?Ā  How completely does he develop his characters before beginning to write?Ā  Why isnā€™t the main characterā€™s name ever given?Ā  What are his thoughts on self-publishing? Sway begins with the transcription of dialogue between a doctor and his patient.Ā  The patientā€™s name, blacked out except for two…

Sway – a Review

Are you in control of what happens in your dreams? If you arenā€™t, then who is? In this psychological thriller/horror story, you are taken inside the mind of a man who has experienced horrendous things during his childhood. Now that he is an adult, what toll have these events taken on his life? He works…

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day & Other Awesome Holidays

Will you find a family of beavers to observe on International Beaver Day?Ā  How many newspapers will you read on International Snailpapers Day?Ā  Will you take a day off from doing housework on No Housework Day? How will you encourage a young person’s love of reading on International Children’s Book Day? How many peanut butter…

Easter and Leporiphobia, the Fear of the Easter Bunny

Each Easter, store owners make lots of money from selling candy, Easter baskets, stuffed rabbits, chocolate rabbits, and other things aimed at the Easter holiday. Have you ever stopped to wonder where the cute little Easter bunny came from? Did he just magically appear one day? Leporiphobia is a fear of rabbits. It’s hard for…

Anablephobia and Other Phobias

Even though some phobias may appear unreasonable or silly to those who donā€™t have any, they are no laughing matter. When someone encounters something he has an excessive fear of, he experiences the following: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, anxiety, panic, terror, and/or dread. Phobias are a like a treasure chest full of gold…

Comma Splices

If I were to have a nightmare, I’m pretty sure that it would be about commas. There are so many rules about how to use this little punctuation mark correctly that it can drive a person insane. Some of these rules are easy to remember though. What is a comma splice? Splice means to join…

Dr. Seuss Day & Other Bizarre Holidays

Do you prefer to write mysteries or romances, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction? Whatever genre you prefer to write in, I’m sure you can find a way to include one of the bizarre holidays that occur in March in your story. It will add a bit of something different to your story.…