How much do you know about the new grocery store that appeared down the block from you one day? You see all kinds of people go in, but you have never seen one come back out. Have you ever wondered where they all went?
Have you ever dreamed that a liberty of mummies chased you through a museum? Has a prominence of dhampirs ever saved you from the a basement of vampires? Are you afraid your town will be invaded by a vexation of zombies? Mummies, golems, dhampirs, revenants, skeletons, vampires, wendigoes, and zombies are creatures of the night…
Most everyone has heard of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and its headless horseman that terrorizes a village. You have probably also heard about the movie and television series, both of which are loosely based on the classic by Washington Irving. First is a review of the book, favorite sentences, and new words learned. After…
Will you dress up like Frankenstein on Frankenstein Friday? Are you brave enough to clean your refrigerator on Haunted Refrigerator Night? How many caramel apples will you eat on National Caramel Apple Day? Will you drive people crazy with your knock-knock jokes on National Knock-Knock Jokes Day? One of your characters could start a new…
From December 18, 1975 to January 14, 1976, the house located at 112 Ocean Avenue in the Amityville Village of Long Island, New York, was occupied by George and Kathleen Lutz along with their children. The story of what they experienced during the twenty-eight days they resided in this house is told in The Amityville…
Does the ghost of a librarian that just couldn’t bear to be parted from her books frequent the library in your hometown? Does she reside there peacefully unless disturbed? Does she react like the ghost librarian from Ghostbusters if you try to talk to her? Or is she more like the ghost librarian at the…
Are you a SLIder? Do you have H.V.S.? In my Sci-Fi series, The Eve Project, Ben Harris is and does. He destroys any unshielded electronics, sets fire to ATMs, coffee machines, and unwittingly sends devastating arcs of electricity to anything metal. He suffers from B.C.E.D. He has spent his entire life trying to hide his…
When you think of religious fiction, what authors come to mind? The obvious, of course, are the most famous: Dan Brown. Lynn Austin. Ted Dekker. Anne Rice has even delved into the subject. Over the past decade, religious fiction has become more popular and has steered the literary world into a territory that was seldom…
I was sure I had read every twist possible on the vampire story, but I was wrong. The Vitandi adds another unique and upsetting twist to the vast collection of vampire stories out there. Remember the twelve apostles from the Bible? The apostles and Christ are a huge part of this book. The author does…
Several afternoons a week, I sit at our local coffee shop, sipping a chai, writing, knitting, and watching customers come and go. Though I’m not a stalker or psycho (okay, shut up), I can’t help but eavesdrop on other customers’ conversations if they are close enough and loud enough, because hey, they’re close enough and…
A zombie’s only purpose is to kill and eat. They don’t have feelings. They don’t think. In Desper Hollow, Elizabeth Massie has taken the ever-evolving zombie to a new level of existence. Something evil is going on in Desper Hollow, Virginia. This is a place to be avoided, a place people shy away from visiting. Granny…
For Halloween, authors take advantage of things that scare people. Some write stories that will keep you awake at night; others write stories that scare you for the moment. Any phobia would be appropriate in a Halloween story, but the following ones are more closely associated with this spooky time of year. Write your own…
What is going on at Orsk? When the employees leave each evening, the store is in perfect order. They walk in the next morning to find broken bookshelves, smashed wardrobes, and shattered goblets. This chilling tale will make you think twice before you visit your next furniture store. I wanted to start reading this book…
The great thing about fairy tales? Anyone can connect with them. They’re highly accessible. The only price of admission is being human. There’s a reason we give fairy tales to children. It’s about all they can connect with. They haven’t yet been told how to “get” Sartre, or Barthes, or any other tricky-to-pronounce French author.…
In their first adventure, Nick and Tesla rescued a girl from her kidnappers and managed to wiggle out of those same kidnappers’ clutches themselves. Now they need to help a friend find a stolen mint-condition comic book. Still spending the summer with their mad scientist uncle, Nick and Tesla are in the basement lab when…
In this collection of short stories by Thomas Ryan, you will find mystery, humor, abuse, murder, and romance of a different kind. Each story shows a different side of our human emotions, and their unexpected endings make these stories memorable. “Ruth” – Ruth is a woman who has been abused by her husband. She has…
Everyone has a hobby, an activity or interest they pursue for pleasure and/or relaxation. Michael’s mom has a hobby that is more than a bit unusual. Her hobby, the thing that gives her pleasure, is killing girls. Full of blood and gore, child abduction, abuse, cannibalism, and more, this book will keep you turning the…
Do you remember being read fairy tales when you were a child? The monsters were always defeated, the beautiful lady was always rescued by Prince Charming, and everyone lived happily ever after. Or did they? What happened after the end of the stories that we read? Did everyone really live happily ever after? In Never Ever…