How many chances will you take on Take a Chance Day? Will you visit a mad scientist on World Laboratory Day? On Talk Like Shakespeare Day, will thou talkest like Shakespeare? What will you see up above on Look Up at the Sky Day? On Reach as High as You Can Day, what will you reach for? How many games of Scrabble will you play on Scrabble Day?

Children with Alopecia Day,
Children with Alopecia Day – Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that will cause partial or complete hair loss. Most of the time the only effect is loss of hair. It is not that common to see a child that is bald, but children are affected by this disease, as are adults. This day is to bring awareness to this disorder, a day to teach those who have it to be proud of not having any hair.
Create a character who has alopecia. Write a story and show what they experience while growing up. Do they face ridicule and torment because of the condition they have? Or are they looked upon as kids that don’t have any hair?

random afternoon sky,
Look Up at the Sky Day – What does one do on this day? One looks up at the sky. You never know what you might see. Those with a vivid imagination can see so much in the clouds. They present a live moving-picture show. You could see a rainbow. What is at the end of that rainbow? Can you even get to the end of it?
What if one could actually arrange the clouds into any shape he or she wanted them? What if you created a character who could do this very thing? What if this character had a creation that would allow anyone to float up into the heavens and play with the clouds like this? Are there any side effects from it?

reach for the sky, wikimedia commons
Reach as High as You Can Day – Are there goals that you have given up on just because you think they are impossible? Do you give up on trying things because you believe they are out of your reach? Forget all of that today, the sky is the limit for your goals on this day. No matter how out of reach you think it is, give it a try today.
Create a character who walks around permanently depressed. This person feels that he or she can do nothing right, so what is the use of setting goals? What is the use of trying to do anything new? Then someone new comes into this person’s life that changes everything. Who is this person and what happens?

a game of Scrabble in progress, wikipedia
Scrabble Day – This most awesome word game was created in 1938 by Alfred Mosher Butts. I would love to shake this man’s hand and thank him for creating such a fantastic game, but he died in April 1993. This incredibly popular game, created by Mr. Butts while he was an out-of-work architect, is enjoyed by the young and the old.
Write a story around a Scrabble tournament. This tournament could be between friends and family, or it could be a professional tournament. The stakes could be really high. The winner walks away with everything, but there is some sort of punishment for the loser.

take more chances, flickr
Take a Chance Day – This day is about taking chances. What chance will you take today? How important to you is it that you succeed at what you are trying to do? Will you take a chance at getting your story or book published? Will you take a chance by asking that certain someone that you have had a crush on for years out on a date? Will you take a chance by signing up for a class that you have always desired to take?
Create a character who decides to take the biggest chance ever. What is this chance? Does your character succeed?

Talk Like Shakespeare Day,
Talk Like Shakespeare Day – In celebration of this great writer, April 23 has been declared Talk Like Shakespeare Day. How does one do this?
1) Don’t say you, instead say thee or thou
2) Don’t say y’all, instead say ye
3) Address men as Sirrah, address ladies as Mistress, and address all your friends as Cousin.
4) Modern curse words aren’t to be used. Instead you can call your tormentors jackanapes or arsehole.
5) Forget about using the word it. Instead just use the letter ‘t’. Say things like ’twas, ’twill, and ’twasn’t.
6) Speak in verse, prose, or songs.
7) When you are in doubt, just add ‘eth to the end of verbs – falleth, droppeth, jumpeth, runneth, etc.
8) When you really want to make your voice heard, begin your sentences with words such as methinks, mayhaps, in sooth, or wherefore.

Shakespearean insults,
On this day, I challenge thee to compose a story written entirely in verse, prose, or song. Today pretend that ye speak middle English. Who knows? Mayhaps thee will compose a tale that will last just as the tales of Shakespeare have.

laboratory, wikipedia
World Laboratory Day – Great discoveries have been made in laboratories. Medical treatments and cures , after vast amounts of testing, have been found. Laboratories have also been used for more diabolical purposes. Remember Frankenstein? This creation of a mad scientist was brought to life in a laboratory.
Create a character who is a mad scientist. Frankenstein was fiction, but your character wants to create him for real, only he is working with animals, not with humans. What does he end up creating? And does he succeed in bringing it to life?
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