Is it possible for vampires to blend in with the rest of us? For them to have jobs? Families? Lives? Would there be any way to know?

Dan’s new wife is an author and she loves him, but she has no clue what he really is. You really need to be careful what you say around authors. She took comments by Dan and used them as the basis for her new book, accidentally revealing way too much about the adventurieri. Of course, she doesn’t know anything about this species, but she is about to find out they really do exist. What she wrote is liable to cost her and Dan their lives. Cézar, the prince’s assassin, will be there soon.
Sabine Lavelle, Marek’s personal doctor and close friend, is in danger. Ravagiu has settled on the doctor as his way to get to the Strigoi family. Marek has always managed to come out ahead of whatever attempts his enemy has made on him and his family, but this time, the enemy has a chance of succeeding. The good doctor’s weakness is women and Ravagiu has just the woman to tempt him.
Marek has plenty of drama in his own life as he struggles with having to keep his son and grandson a secret. Will the time come when he can finally reveal their existence to everyone? His doctor is missing and he is beginning to be a bit more than concerned about him.

As with all the other books in The Second Species series,
Shadow Law is filled with vampires, violence, betrayal, secrets, and surprise. Any fan of well-written vampire fiction would greatly enjoy this series.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like your own copy of
Shadow Law, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.
Amazon Link: Shadow Law
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Why Vampires – Guest Post by Tony-Paul de Vissage

vampire, pixabay
Favorite Sentences:
Before Ana could turn around, a hand went over her mouth and the foyer dissolved into a dazzling blur of whirling lights.
Abruptly he was so tired he felt as if he couldn’t move, two centuries of pursuit, tension, and hatred weighing him so he might collapse.
Nostrils crinkling, each could scent the other’s acceptance of forthcoming violence, the promise of renewed attack . . . also the heavily beating hearts and pounding blood.
New Words Learned:
facile – affable, agreeable, or complaisant; easily influenced:
insular – detached; standing alone; isolated.
About the Author:
A writer of French Huguenot extraction, Tony-Paul de Vissage’s first movie memory is of being six years old, viewing the old Universal horror flick,
Dracula’s Daughter on television, and being scared sleepless–and that may explain a lifelong interest in vampires.
This was further inspired when the author was kidnapped by a band of transplanted Romanian vampires sightseeing in the South. Having never seen a human who wasn’t frightened of them, they offered to pay the youngster’s way through college if he would become an author and write about vampires in a positive manner. He agreed, was returned to his parents (who were also grateful for the tuition offer since it let them off the hook) and continued to keep in touch with his supernatural mentors.
Though the author didn’t begin writing horror–or any other genre–until after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from a well-known Southern University (and a second in Graphic Art), that one particular interest—and the promise made to his mentors—survived a liberal arts’ education and the scorn of friends and family. Marriage, parenthood, divorce, and a variety of occupations ranging from stage work to doctor’s assistant took precedent over writing for several years, as did moving from one United States coast to another.
Eventually that first story—a short story about the hapless vampire Clan Andriescu—was published. A voracious reader whose personal library has been shipped more than 3,000 miles, Tony-Paul has read hundreds of vampire tales and viewed more than as many movies.