Sparrow is a stranger in his own home, but it is to this neighborhood he returns in Stranger Back Home. He has been summoned for the reading of his father’s will. Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? If his trip there is any indication of the way things will go while he’s in his old stomping ground, it won’t be a restful visit. Orcs ambush the stagecoach he is traveling on.

It has been a long time since Sparrow, definitely a unique character, has been to his residence in Telleron, but he doesn’t worry about everything being kept in good order. His butler and cook, a ghost, is always there, and a teenage vampire lives there to keep watch over it.
Sparrow’s father, once a renowned diplomat, is remembered as an infamous terrorist. But is that what he really was? In his will, he calls Sparrow by his given name (not a name he wants to go by) before telling him what he has left him. His brother and sister? Well, his relationship with them isn’t the best in the world.
Sparrow, just in case I haven’t mentioned it before, is a gnome. In addition to ghosts, vampires, and gnomes, you’ll also find dwarves, goblins, wizards, dragons, kobolds, and other fantastic creatures throughout this tale. Harmony isn’t always present between these creatures, so Telleron has its own set of problems. Sparrow, always so sure of himself, unwittingly introduces more problems by trying to help; he accuses most everyone of racism where none exists.
Stranger Back Home is a fun read. I never tire of reading about Sparrow’s adventures, and this book only succeeded in making me hungry for more. With his trusty cane to help him out, Sparrow usually succeeds in what he is attempting. Something is always happening, and Sparrow, as usual, is right in the middle of it. His ways of getting out of trouble he finds himself in is at times funny as well as strange. This time, he finds himself in danger of being jailed and losing everything.

If you would like a copy of Stranger Back Home to read and enjoy yourself, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.
Amazon Link: Stranger Back Home
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Favorite Sentences:
I suppose a great deal of what I consider beauty derives not from skin color but from dental hygiene and orthodontics; these are precisely the advantages that the bandits lacked.
They were big and brutish, and I suspect that a determined scientific expedition up those nostrils would discover a smaller-than-usual brain mass.
You might imagine my dismay when my plans were interrupted by a group of hoodlums with no sense of timing.
Only sheer luck allowed me to pull my head back before he could surgically remove my prominent nose.

These attempted murders were starting to overwhelm my schedule.
Racists try to commit real harm to the races that they despise.
New Words Learned:
brigand – a member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains f a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains
chiropterologist – someone who studies bats
demesne – land attached to a manor and retained for the owner’s own use
ductility – flexibility
hyposmia – a reduced ability to smell and to detect odors
orcs – a member of an imaginary race of humanlike creatures, characterized as ugly, warlike, and malevolent

panache – a grand or flamboyant manner; verve; style; flair
pyromancer – one that has a magical ability to control or conjure fire
About the Author:
Ethan reads all the time and writes so that you can read. He travels the world, ignoring the usual boundaries of space and time, collecting stories, which he loves to tell almost as much as Sparrow himself does.