When a solar flare causes the loss of cars and anything electrical, everyone goes crazy. Will anyone manage to survive?

Shephard Van Ark runs a Plucky Rooster franchise. When he about chokes to death, he has a vision in which he believes that God told him to choose twelve others and go to Jericho to prepare a place for them to live so they can survive the Doomsday event that is on its way. In the vision, God took the form of a great red rooster named Mr. Feathers, Plucky Rooster’s national mascot, and was wearing a straw hat and bib overalls. God took the form of something familiar so as not to scare Shephard.
But when a solar storm hits, Shepherd hasn’t made it to Jericho yet and the electric goes out. This solar storm didn’t just affect the town the Plucky Rooster franchise was in; the effects are worldwide. No problem. The electric will be back on soon, right? No one’s car will start. A group of borderline crazy characters are left with no electric and no cars. Their phones and all other electronic devices are dead.
Their only hope is to make it to Jericho. Will they be able to make it there without killing each other or running into some other peril?

How would a society addicted to social media, electricity, and traveling by car fare during a time such as this? Not only are teenagers dependent on social media but so are many, if not all, adults. What do they occupy themselves with when the worldwide web is no longer able to be accessed? How do they keep food fresh without refrigerators? And how do they get from one place to another without vehicles?
Quirky humor is everywhere in this story. From the names of the chapters and characters, the outlandish happenings and circumstances, the author manages to poke fun at survivalists, small-town politics, sports, etc. The list goes on and on.
Sheriff Quack, in the midst of these apocalyptic happenings, is hunting down a baseball talent scout who is supposed to be in Jericho for his son, Chester. Mayor Biggins believes he was the victim of an assassination attempt and is hiding out in his basement. The name of the militia is FUCIM, Fed Up Citizens of Idaho Militia, and they are led by Colonel Crunch.
If you would like a copy of this humorous book exploring what could happen if the world was plunged into a new dark age, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.
Amazon Link: Surviving Crazy

Favorite Sentences:
As part of his counseling Louie was required to participate in an aversion therapy program in which he had to wear women’s skivvies made from a specially made, cactus-based fiber.
Cut off from contact with the outside world, they were like prisoners in the early stages of solitary confinement.
Like a pack of hyenas tearing into the carcass of a dying animal, the rabbits fought viciously among themselves over the remains of the bite-sized tasty snack treat.
“Do you have any idea how scary it is to walk around a house full of sharp axes and angry women who like to use them?”
The deluge of aquatic vertebrates crashed all around them, sending everyone flying for cover.

New Words Learned:
lumberjill – a female lumberjack
mumblety-peg – a game in which the players try to flip a knife from various positions so that the blade will stick into the ground
About the Author:
Frank Crimi is a writer and the author of Surviving Crazy. His other books include Raining Frogs & Heart Attacks.
Sounds like a fun read!