Tag: adventure

Skandar and the Unicorn Thief – a Review

Have you ever read a book that you couldn’t put down because you were so caught up in the story and its world? That is what reading Skandar and the Unicorn Thief was like for me. Everything else going on in my life faded in importance to what was happening in this book. It was written for those eight to twelve years old, but the story grabbed hold of my imagination and refused to let go.

Untamed Isles: The Path Awakens – a Review

The captain and crew of the 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑑, caught in a storm on the raging Northern Sea, fight for their survival. The storm quiets all at once, and they find themselves shipwrecked on an island full of jagged, broken slopes of shining crystal. And somewhere out beyond all the crystal, a beast howls.

Written in the Ashes – a Review

If you like to read about strong women, this is a book you will greatly enjoy. Hannah, a victim of human trafficking in 5th-century Sinai, is taken to a land in which she is unfamiliar with their ways and customs. She manages to rise above all the hardships she experiences there to become a woman…

Peter Hallett Interview – Inspiration, Dragons, and Vietnam

What was the inspiration for this book? Are dragons a hobby of his? Did writing the torture scenes ever make him cringe? How much research did he have to do? What are his thoughts on self-publishing? What was your inspiration for this book? I have an unhealthy interest in cryptozoology and have studied it extensively,…

Ten Fantastic Things About Books

Books are printed works of fiction or nonfiction meant to teach or entertain.  No matter what is going on in my life, it is a pleasure to pick one up and get lost in its pages. 1) Face it: there are way too many sensitive people in this world that will get mad at you…