Something strange is happening in a rural settlement at the edge of our galaxy. The fog is alive, and if it surrounds you, it changes you.
Don Quixote is at times referred to as the first modern European novel. It has been translated into almost every major language. This makes it one of the most widely distributed books, second only to the Bible. Many years ago when I was in school, I read Don Quixote. I remember the story being about…
Did you realize that fiction plays a big part in many of our Christmas traditions? No, I’m not talking about the birth of our Lord and Savior. His birth is not fictional, but many of the things now believed about that special event are; they have been set in place by poetry, books, movies, songs, etc. This is evidence of the effects that fiction writing can have on the world.
I was sure I had read every twist possible on the vampire story, but I was wrong. The Vitandi adds another unique and upsetting twist to the vast collection of vampire stories out there. Remember the twelve apostles from the Bible? The apostles and Christ are a huge part of this book. The author does…