Did you know that cats once helped with an ancient battle? Monkeys escape from a zoo, and an emu is on the run. The corpse flower is really stinky: Why would someone want to receive one of their very own for Valentine’s Day?
The Egyptians worshiped them. Noah prayed for them, but Pope Innocent VIII declared them to be evil. During the Middle Ages, they became associated with witches, and some were even burned. A group of them can be called a destruction, or you could call a group of them a cuddle. Egyptians and Their CatsAncient Egyptians…
The human imagination is limitless in its potential for imagining things. And this ability is the main reason that man has evolved in the way that he has, creating a recorded history of six thousand years, from the ancient Egyptians, passing through the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, etcetera, all the way to the contemporary…