In this thriller, Sally and Gilly have a secret, one that Gilly hasn’t even shared with her husband. When she was young, she and her best friend Sally, found something one day in the cemetery: they found a box with a dead baby in it.
I first arrived in Japan in the spring of ’84 to take up a job I had got while completing my doctorate on 18th century English literature at Edinburgh University. I had been hired as a “Guest Professor of English” by a new university located in a fishing village in northern Shikoku. Shikoku is one of Japan’s four main islands, but it is also the smallest, the most rural and, at that time – before the construction of bridges linking it to Honshu and Kyushu – the most remote.
Lumina City is full of werewolves, vampires, and demons. Corruption and evil fill this city. It is the Vanguard’s job to protect the world from demonic forces. But the Vanguard in Lumina City are corrupt. Instead of helping the citizens in their fight against their foe, they are using their powerful positions and elite combat skills to become rich.
The winter wonderland created by snow is beautiful when it first falls and everything is covered in its cold whiteness. But then it is walked through and played in. When the sun comes out or when it rains, the snow begins to melt and the winter wonderland is transformed in mud and slush. Animals such…
From weird happenings in the woods to an empathic girl to the Suicide Forest in Japan, these stories are about things such as remembrance, empathy, vanity, lust, etc. “The Girl Who Died” – A girl who loves animals better than people has pity on an animal that she finds dead in the woods. She decided…
The ocean is home to many beautiful and amazing creatures. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to swim beneath its tranquil waters and gaze at them up close? But just as the ocean’s waters are not forever tranquil, neither are its inhabitants always the kind you want to be near. They may be spectacular to look at,…
Do you prefer to write mysteries or romances, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction? Whatever genre you prefer to write in, I’m sure you can find a way to include one of the bizarre holidays that occur in March in your story. It will add a bit of something different to your story.…
As amazing as this may sound, the democratically managed public schools in the United States have been slowly and steadily improving over the last 114 years [actually longer than that], and they continue to improve in spite of the false claims to the contrary. How much of an improvement am I talking about? In 1900,…