All writers are asked, “Where do you get your ideas?”
Keeping secrets is not always a good thing. Lying to others in order to use them so that everything goes your way can be deadly. This haunting story of secrets, love, manipulation, and murder is told from three points of view—Del, the small-town sheriff; Peter, the English teach caught in a marriage that is crumbling;…
Will your character stumble upon an indulgence of leprechauns who have overindulged in drink? Perhaps your character will seek out a swell of naiads, a delectation of nymphs, a pleasure of pixies, or a resolution of sprites. Is your character so excited to see Santa that he will try to catch him coming down the chimney? How surprised will he be when he discovers that Santa is an elf?
The Christmas season is one of beauty and joy. Decorations, some simple and others showy, can be seen just about anywhere – in stores, in restaurants, in suburbs, in the country. Once the sky darkens, the air is filled with flashing lights of all colors. Men dressed as Santa Claus can be found in just about any store you enter.
What was the inspiration for this book? How long did it take the author to research all the colorful history woven into the story? Who was her favorite character? What are the author’s thoughts on self-publishing? What was your inspiration for this book? Many slender threads begin with romance and synchronicity, and so I started…
Most everyone has heard of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and its headless horseman that terrorizes a village. You have probably also heard about the movie and television series, both of which are loosely based on the classic by Washington Irving. First is a review of the book, favorite sentences, and new words learned. After…