Mice roaming through a house or apartment is a pretty common thing. You don’t always see them because they’re great at hiding. They will typically enter your home between October and February, searching for food, water, and shelter from the cold.
October is National Sarcastic Awareness Month, but people use sarcasm every day of the year. How often are you sarcastic? What is sarcasm? Sarcasm, according to the dictionary, is harsh or bitter derision. It is irony or the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. When used…
Werewolves are imaginary creatures—or are they—who are human by day but turn into wolves on nights there is a full moon, the time when the entire face of the moon is illuminated by the sun’s rays. Many legends exist about these terrifying creatures who love to feast on the flesh of babies and corpses. A dominant…