Part fiction. Part real. It’s somewhere in between. When someone tells me they write nonfiction, I sometimes reply, “It’s 𝑎𝑙𝑙 fiction.” I get strange looks, especially from those who have their heads entrenched deeply in what they term as reality
Fantasy and reality collide. The result is total chaos. Creatures from parallel worlds thought to exist only in our nightmares enter modern times, bringing their bloody and gory existence with them. This unputdownable dark fantasy has a huge cast of characters that includes humans, elves, ifrits, ORCS, barghests, satyrs, syartalfars, therians, shapeshifters, werewolves, wereleopards, vampires,…
The best lie has a nugget of truth. Likewise, the best fictional story has a nugget, or maybe an entire Happy Meal, of reality. Check out any fantasy book, and you’ll find parallels to either present or historical elements. They might be leaders, wars, or social movements. So why is truth stranger than fiction? In…