Tag: research

Atty Eve Interview: Writing the My Beautiful Suicide Series

For this month’s Author Spotlight post, I interviewed Atty Eve, the author of the dark and powerful My Beautiful Suicide series. Was there anything that happened in your life that inspired this series? Anything you noticed going on in the world? The original inspiration for this series was the first line of a letter I…

Outpost: Survivor Chronicles of the Great Rains: Book Two – a Review

How did the Ebola virus come to be in the rain that poured down? Who exactly is John Doe? Are aliens really behind everything that is going on? And since there are no children left, is there any hope for the survival of mankind? From aliens and deadly rains to mad and deranged power-hungry scientists,…

Phyllis Edgerly Ring Interview – The Holocaust, Eva Braun, and Friendship

What inspired Phyllis Edgerly Ring to write about the friendship of two lonely women in Nazi Germany? What would she say to schools that are now teaching that the Holocaust was just a political scheme and never really happened? What is her favorite thing about writing historical fiction? When you first learned about Hitler and…