Part fiction. Part real. It’s somewhere in between. When someone tells me they write nonfiction, I sometimes reply, “It’s 𝑎𝑙𝑙 fiction.” I get strange looks, especially from those who have their heads entrenched deeply in what they term as reality
According to the dictionary, a clown is a comic performer, usually in a circus, who dresses up in outlandish costumes and make-up. He pantomimes common situations or actions in an exaggerated or ridiculous way. A clown can also be a coarse, ill-bred person or a boor. The English word “clown” is thought to have perhaps come…
How does he think William Shakespeare would react to his book? What made him decide to combine Shakespeare and Star Wars? What is iambic pentameter? What kind of books does he like to read? Who has been his greatest inspiration? What do you think William Shakespeare’s reaction would be to your book? He would probably…
Reading was a huge part of schooling my children, and we read many books by Mark Twain: Puddn’head Wilson, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and Life on the Mississippi. His life was something we didn’t study though. I knew that he didn’t like people…