Tag: Shawn Mackey

Pantser, Plotter, or Plantser? – Guest Post by Shawn Mackey

I’ve used all three of these methods at some point. Initially, I was more of a pantser and went in with whatever was in my head, usually the beginning and end with a few moments in the middle. These books mostly didn’t work because I was just starting out and didn’t know how to set a scene or write decent description and other technical stuff.

This World of Love and Strife – a Review

Lumina City is full of werewolves, vampires, and demons. Corruption and evil fill this city. It is the Vanguard’s job to protect the world from demonic forces. But the Vanguard in Lumina City are corrupt. Instead of helping the citizens in their fight against their foe, they are using their powerful positions and elite combat skills to become rich.