Tag: Stephen Helmes

Microsoft Word’s Navigation Pane

Trying to find the perfect writing software to write with was a frustrating endeavor. I thought how much easier it would be to just type my story in Microsoft Word. I had been using MS Word, but it wasn’t fun having to scroll down through all the pages to find the chapter or section I…

The Breaking – a Review

Do you believe a zombie virus could destroy the United States? In The Breaking, the outlook for survival of this nation and its people is bleak. How hard would you fight for your own survival? How hard would you fight for the survival of this nation? Since I finished reading End Time, I have been…

Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook – a Review

Have you ever wondered about the story behind Captain Hook? When I finished this book, all I could say was, “Wow!” If you’re used to thinking that Peter Pan was a good boy, this story might give you a bit of a shock. This dark and bloody book is not one you want to share…