Did you know that cats once helped with an ancient battle? Monkeys escape from a zoo, and an emu is on the run. The corpse flower is really stinky: Why would someone want to receive one of their very own for Valentine’s Day?
David Vorhees has a great imagination for horror. All of these tales of horror are linked to one of the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Once you read them, you might never think of these holidays the same way. They will root themselves in your mind so deeply, especially “Thanksgiving,” that you’ll never forget them.
Have you thought of the perfect Valentine’s Day story? Have you named your characters? Maybe all you need is the name of the town it takes place in. Listed below are the names of towns that would be fitting for tales that take place on or around Valentine’s Day. Whether you write romance or historical fiction,…
Valentine’s Day is loved by everyone but especially by retailers. Vast amounts of money are spent on gifts such as roses, wine, chocolates, perfume, etc. by men and women looking for that special gift for their significant other. When you first hear Valentine’s Day mentioned, what is the first thing that pops into your head? Perhaps you…
Here are eight more creepy crawlies that live way too close to us. Wasps—paper wasps, yellow jackets, and boldfaced hornets—nest in rotten tree stumps, crevices in rocks, and in mud. A person can develop an allergy to their stings without warning. The daughter of a friend of mine, who had never been allergic to their…
Valentine’s Day is a time of love and romance, but not everyone wants to give his or her object of affection flowers. Some people prefer to receive something that is a bit different, something that will last longer than a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of perfume, or a box of chocolates. Hugs and Misses:…