Did you know that cats once helped with an ancient battle? Monkeys escape from a zoo, and an emu is on the run. The corpse flower is really stinky: Why would someone want to receive one of their very own for Valentine’s Day?
A beloved older cat saves a young kitten from the terrors of the night. What if there were no moon? What if humans bonded the same way that a group of capuchin monkeys do? How do acorn woodpeckers and red-headed woodpeckers prepare for winter? The following writing prompts should ignite your imagination and keep you busy all of September.
What would happen if fish skin was used to replace burned skin? What if a mama bird built her nest, laid her eggs, and then raised her babies on your back porch? What if your town was terrorized by chickens? What if your two-year-old child’s paintings sold for thousands of dollars each? These writing prompts should keep you busy for the entire month of July.