One moment you’re alive in 2018. Then you put on a ring that you feel drawn to. You’re sucked down through the whirlwinds of time, and find yourself in France during the year 1916. You’re in your pajamas with no other clothes, no money, and no means to take care of yourself. What do you do?
This is what happens to Trace Rutland. It all started with dreams, but some would call them nightmares. To try and find out why she is having such dreams, she goes to a hypnotherapist. What she discovers will forever change her life.
Of course, it shocks Trace when she ends up in a different country and a different time for real. And when Mata Hari takes back the ring that sent her there, she is afraid that she will be trapped in another time and country for the rest of her life.
Tensions are running high in 1916 France. Trace is lost, but she finds romance and true love. Life is so different than what she was used to in 2018. Think about it: Trace was used to cell phones, air conditioning, modern automobiles, computers, the internet, etc. None of that existed in the time she was thrust back into. Talk about culture shock.

Mata Hari,
When she meets people that she once knew when she was Mata Hari, things get a little tense. She is reliving things that happened in the past but also living them as her present while trying to not give away who she really is. Having to watch every word you say is not an easy thing to do.
The reader is given an inside look at what it was like to live during World War I and also at how the French treated those they believed were spies. Hanging around with Mata Hari is not seen as good for Trace; it causes the authorities to believe she is a spy. When she is arrested and thrown in prison, there is only one man who can rescue her.
I must say that the authors did a fantastic job in writing this book. I do not believe that time travel is possible nor do I believe in reincarnation. But while I was reading this book, I believed it was all possible. Part of me envied Trace Rutland for what she experienced, for the things she got to see. What an exciting thing! Well, except for the being thrown in prison part.
Once I was about halfway through the book, putting it down for any length of time proved to be impossible. A copy of this book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to purchase this book for yourself, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: The Lost Mata Hari Ring
Recommended Article: Time Travel and Reincarnation: Is Either Possible? – Guest Post by Elyse Douglas
Favorite Sentences:
She began to remember things, to see things, like old ghosts rising from buried graves.
If she had time traveled to the past, would she, by her choices and actions, alter the future?
How utterly frightening it was to be trapped in the agonizing prison of this time, seeing a deteriorating image of herself from a life lived so long ago.

11th arrondissement of Paris, wikipedia
New Words Learned:
arrondissement – a municipal district of certain cities, esp Paris
brilliantine – an oily preparation used to make the hair lustrous
ephemeral – lasting a very short time; short-lived; transitory
Huns – a contemptuous term used to refer to German soldiers in World War I
insouciance – lack of care or concern; indifference
Juvéderm – an injectable gel dermal filler for deep injection into the skin to correct age-related volume loss
mellifluent – sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding
Prison Saint-Lazare for women – The Prison Saint-Lazare was a prison in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, France. Wikipedia
About the Author:
Elyse Douglas is the pen name for the husband and wife writing team of Elyse Parmentier and Douglas Pennington.
Some of Elyse Douglas’ novels include The Other Side of Summer, Christmas For Juliet, The Christmas Eve Letter, The Christmas Diary and The Summer Diary. They live in New York City.
I’m so glad you enjoyed ‘The Lost Mata Hari Ring’! It is my favorite book read in 2018, so far.
Many thanks for this, Lisa! It is much appreciated.