Urban fantasy describes a subgenre of fantasy in which the real world collides with the decidedly supernatural or magical world. The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses is an urban fantasy adventure for young people.

The story opens with Joaquin and Ross in the forbidden woods. Joaquin’s lust for power leads to Ross’s murder. But there are witnesses to this murder, and their lives are forever changed.
Now it’s twenty years later. Five boys—Chase, Kinsu, Jordan, Alex, and Mark—each have one of their senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell—heightened. Is there some special reason these boys were chosen? Do they have some special purpose?
The boys live in Danville Heights. It is a peaceful place, but little do they know that their small town is to be the target of chaos and mayhem. They have been given their “super powers” to keep out this chaos and mayhem and to ensure the survival of the Naculeans, whose survival depends upon the nectar that grows in the forbidden woods. But their “super powers” also make them a target. And Druth wants what they have.
So who is Druth? Druth is the villain you met in the prologue. He has some super powers, but he is just as greedy as ever and wants them all. It is up to Chase, Kinsu, Jordan, Alex, and Mark to keep Druth from succeeding in the evil he wants to do. And who are the Dark Stranger and the mysterious lady? Are they trying to help the five boys or not?
This is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed. Throughout the story, something can be felt building, getting ready to explode. There is a lot of physical action as well, so the story is never ever boring, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat. And the chapters are short.
Along with my copy of the book I received from Virtual Author Book Tours in exchange for an open and honest review, I received a discussion guide. I don’t know if this discussion guide is normally included with the book, but I really think it should be. It includes discussion points on plot concepts, characters, scenery, and the story itself. As a former homeschool mom, I would’ve found this discussion guide extremely useful when reading and discussing this book with my students.
Amazon Link: The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses

Favorite Sentences:
Ross grasped the moment, one littered with deep panic and a singular appreciation for survival.
Coming up from beneath the shadows in unexpected moments of terror, someone had assumed control of the town, twisting the meaning of what it was to be a community.
Under strict orders, mayhem had laced its shoes and marched right into Danville Heights.
An NFL junkie, he looked like he was born out of a video game with full lips that never parted except to intimidate others or to stuff his face.
Deeper than his ear space, his advanced audible perception had become innate, generating from within.
New Word Learned:
Yoko Tobi Geri-style jumping side-kick
About the Author:

K.N. Smith is an award-winning author. She is a passionate advocate of arts and enrichment programs throughout the world. Her lyrical flair sweeps across pages that twist and grind through action-adventure and urban fantasy in edge-of-your-seat narratives. K.N. has over twenty-five years’ experience in communications and creative design as an award-winning consultant. Discovery of the Five Senses was awarded “Best of” in the category “Outstanding Young Adult Novel” at the Jessie Redmon Fauset Book Awards at the 10th Annual Leimert Park Village Book Fair. The event, voted one of LA’s best annual book festivals, attracts over 200 authors, poets, spoken word artists, storytellers, performers, and literary/educational exhibitor participants, and boasts an audience of over 5,000. Visit the author at knsmith.com.
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