Toggs: The Christmas Elf with a Fitting Gift – a Review

When you read Toggs: The Christmas Elf with a Fitting Gift to your children, you’ll be just as excited as they are to find out what happens.

Around Christmas, most little children think about writing letters to Santa and telling him what they want for Christmas. But do any of them think about the role that elves play in them getting their gifts? Is their hard work appreciated?

The children’s cries of pleasure at what they’ve received are so loud the elves can hear them. But there is one elf whose gifts always seem to disappoint. He never hears any cries of pleasure for what he has put so much time and effort into making. What does he make? This elf makes gifts of clothing: socks, coats, etc.

Toggs, the clothing elf, doesn’t think he has many friends. No one even makes an effort to sit with him at lunch. This leaves him feeling left out and underappreciated. But, that doesn’t really matter. Making and repairing clothes is what make him happiest.

When children write letters to the North Pole asking for gifts, Toggs never gets any requests. All they are usually asking for are toys. But one day, he gets a letter addressed to the elf who makes clothes.  A little boy has a special request especially for him. Of course, this makes his day, and he begins the work to fulfill this boy’s request.

Later he is called in to see Santa after all the gifts have been delivered. Toggs is afraid he is in trouble. What could he have done wrong? Where did he mess up? What does Santa want with him? I think I was just as surprised as Toggs when I found out why Santa wanted to see him.

Toggs: The Christmas Elf with a Fitting Gift is an outstanding story, one that adults and children will love. The illustrations by Jeric Tan are beautiful and make this story come to life before your eyes.

I really enjoyed this Christmas story. If you would like to buy a copy of this heartwarming story to read to your children (or maybe just to read yourself), I’ve provided an Amazon link below for you.

Amazon Link: Toggs: The Christmas Elf with a Fitting Gift

Favorite Sentences:

Toggs was beside himself with happiness.

Here was a boy who needed help from him!

About the Author:

Author Keith McDuffee came up with the idea for Toggs, a charming, innocent Christmas tale with an inspiring message of self-confidence and friendship, in 2011. Who would have thought such a work could come from one who has been published in several horror anthologies, and on many occassions, on The NoSleep Podcast?

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