True darkness is threatening to overtake London. From the moment that Richard talked Val into accompanying him on a foolhardy quest, she knew that it would lead to nothing good. But never did she realize how bad it would be.

Val was used to dark things. I mean, she broke curses on people, got rid of ghosts and/or demons for them. Definitely not a boring job. But she was convinced Richard had bitten off more than he could chew.
Attacked by a monster, she wakes up in the cemetery. Even though she is injured, it’s really not that bad. But by the time she makes it home, her injury isn’t so minor anymore.
Then there is Beck, who works for Nox Occultus. She doesn’t trust him completely, but he saves her from the aftereffects of whatever attacked her. And it was Richard’s fault that she was attacked.
There is more going on behind the scenes than any of them—Val, Beck, Richard—can imagine, and it puts everyone in danger. In this fight with the darkness, they aren’t even sure they can trust each other.

I don’t always talk about the covers of the books I review, but I must say that the cover of True Darkness is great! On the cover, I see Val creeping through the cemetery at night. That monster behind her? I believe that is what attacked her, and it has been chasing her since she was little.
I was sent a copy of this horror suspense book in exchange for an honest review. If you enjoy horror, suspense, the paranormal, you will absolutely love this book. Once you turn to page one, be prepared to keep reading until the very end.
If you would like your own copy of this book, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.
Amazon Link: True Darkness
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Favorite Sentences:
The leg had swollen to fill her pants so completely they were tighter than a wet swimsuit.
He had kind of a reverse Midas touch — everything he touched lately turned to crap.
It was unnatural, supernatural, filthy, obscene, disgusting, frightening, and blasphemous all at the same time.
Richard started to imagine that he saw fairy princesses, bananas, talking snooker cues, and an androgynous face that changed expression and seemed to be mouthing words although Richard could not understand them.
New Words Learned:
arcana – secret and powerful remedies

balistraria – (in a medieval fortification) an opening, usually in the form of a cross, through which a crossbow could be fired.
chunder – vomit
grimoires – magician’s manuals for invoking demons and the spirits of the dead
importuned – pressed or urged with troublesome persistence
incunabula – books printed before 1501
poppets – dolls

About the Author:
The writing of True Darkness was initiated by YouTube channel Mortis Media and is written by two of its community members, J.C. Phelps and Lorenzo Jones Hillman. While True Darkness is a debut for Lorenzo, J.C. Phelps is a published author known for her Alexis Stanton Chronicles. Gathered by their love of paranormal and supernatural mystery stories our writers created a brilliant book that every fan will enjoy.