Valiance – a Review

Something strange is happening in a rural settlement at the edge of our galaxy. The fog is alive, and if it surrounds you, it changes you. When those who have been affected are found or come back, they are different. The first ones found are comatose, and all medical scans run on them proclaim them to be perfectly healthy. But once they wake up, differences are noticed. Dr. Lau witnesses the first two who wake up attempting to commit suicide.

These unusual events take place in the distant future at a time when all religion has been outlawed. Science and technology reign supreme, and a scientific explanation is found for everything. But no matter how hard she tries, Dr. Lau and the other doctors cannot find a scientific reason for what is happening.

Unknown to everyone else on Valiance, Dr. Lau has a Bible. If she is found out, there will be dire consequences. But she feels compelled to read this outlawed book, memorize its powerful words, and talk to this forbidden god. What she discovers amazes her. She now knows what monster in the fog is changing the people it gets hold of, and she knows how to protect herself from it. Does she share this powerful truth she has discovered with the rest of her community and risk being turned in for not obeying the law? Will they believe her if she does?

What she doesn’t realize is just how dark and deep this evil is. Nor does she realize just how hungry others are for this truth she has discovered.

science fiction landscape by ninaneco, DeviantArt

I really enjoyed Valiance even though I’m not a huge fan of science fiction books. But the Christian twist added to it made it immensely appealing to me. It was refreshing to read a science fiction book about good vs. evil where the author does not hold back, boldly declaring that God is alive and is God of all creation even to the edges of the galaxy and beyond.

If you enjoy books by Frank Peretti—This Present Darkness & Piercing the Darkness—and Ted Dekker—The Circle Series (Black/Red/White/Green)—you will love Valiance. If you enjoy books with a Christian message that aren’t preachy, you will enjoy reading Valiance.  If you would like to own a copy of Valiance to read, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.

Amazon Link: Valiance

Recommended article: Why I Wrote a Christian Sci-Fi Novel – Guest Post by C. Borden

super thick fog, Flickr

Favorite Sentences:

Patches of light and dark obscured my view of the world outside my window as the fog twirled darkly in lazy waves.

Whatever language they were communicating in, it was old, and not natural to the human tongue.

Terms like evil, possession, anything esoteric and supernatural were just not acceptable.

How could he be so blind to the obvious proof in front of him that belied all the medical data?

How can you save a body that’s disconnected from its soul?

New Words Learned:

Insipid – without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities; vapid

symbiosis – the living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms (as in parasitism or commensalism)

About the Author:

C. Borden is an avid reader and most enjoys the richness of fantasy and science fiction, which inspires her to write stories from her own imagination.

Drawing inspiration from the people and places that have touched her life, her works include lifelike characters, places readers wish they could visit, and an honest look at the struggle between good and evil. The baseline current through all her writing is the message of hope, no matter the obstacle, no matter how dark. While most of her books are not overtly Christian, elements of her faith are clear throughout each book and short story.

C. Borden is a wife, mother, and USAF veteran. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, traveling, gardening, and nature photography. When she’s not writing, she’s most likely enjoying the outdoors with friends and family, helping another author get their ideas on paper, or curled up with a good book from one of her favorite authors.

To follow C. Borden beyond Amazon, visit her website and be sure to subscribe to her monthly newsletter.

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