They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is up to the author to write those thousand words. (Richard Petracca) Will you be the one to write those thousand words?

autumn grist mill, West Virginia waterfalls, wikipedia
When you look at a picture, do you only see what is right in front of your eyes? Or do you see more? Maybe you can see romance. Or maybe you are someone who reads fantasy, mystery, intrigue, or even horror into everything you see.
Spread throughout this article, you will see pictures of waterfalls, each one beautiful and majestic in its own way. You need to study these pictures, ask “what if” questions and come up with stories that could be written based on each one. Allow your imagination to take flight and explore all possibilities.

waterfall in Virginia, wikimedia commons
What if a family of elves resides in the grist mill? Does the owner know of their existence? Do they assist the owner or do they torment him?
Who lived there first: the elves or the owner? What if the elves had lived on that land before the grist mill was built? Are they upset about the grist mill being built there? If they are mean to the owner, could this be the reason?
Or did the owner save their lives by building the grist mill here? If the elves are nice to him, could this be the reason?

Kothapally Waterfall, wikimedia commons
What type of animals do you see living around these waterfalls? Deer? Beavers? Bears? Foxes?
What if the magic of the waterfalls cause all of these animals to get along with each other?
What if this land is inhabited by fairies? Are they nice? This would be such a beautiful place to live, so if they aren’t nice, why aren’t they? What happened to them? Or is that the way they’ve always been?

Kigal waterfalls, wikimedia commons
What if there is a tribe of people who live behind this waterfall? Do others know of their existence? If not, how have they managed to stay hidden from the rest of civilization?
What if they used to live among the rest of civilization but found something that made them decide to live hidden behind this waterfall? What did they find? How did they manage to move their entire population without anyone knowing where they went?

waterfalls in Wales, GoodFreePhotos
What if a treasure is hidden behind the waterfalls? What if a dragon is the guardian of this treasure? How was this dragon chosen to guard the treasure?
Who put the treasure there? Why? How many have tried to steal this treasure? How many have died trying to steal it? What happens if someone successfully steals the treasure? Is there a curse on it?

waterfall, Max Pixel
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