From the beginning of the book, you know the death and destruction the terrorists are planning. The tension builds chapter by chapter until it finally explodes. Lives are at risk, and the action never slows down. Taking you to locations in the United States, Yemen, Germany, Iran, Austria, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Mexico, this fast-paced thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Terrorists have developed a new cholera toxin and the means to deliver it into any water system in the world they choose. Their eyes are set on the United States. But first, this virus is tested on their own people. It is put into a well that an entire Yemeni village uses as its source of water. The results are devastating to the inhabitants of the village, but the terrorists are pleased.
This village disaster is followed by an increase of terrorist chatter that is picked up on by Homeland Security. They send Dave Henson of NSurv searching for a mysterious aircraft that has gone down in Alaska. The contents of this plane must be recovered.
Dave works with nanomaterials. He and a few others founded NSurv. This company develops and manufactures nanotechnology materials, including the drones sent to help locate the downed airplane.
The downed plane has not stopped the terrorists from carrying on with their plans. A town in Germany is struck, and the United States is next on the list.
Dave’s wife, Dana, is a journalist. She goes to Germany to investigate what happened. While there, she is kidnapped by these terrorists. The game, although I hate to call it a game, is on. Dave is racing against time to save his wife and to stop the terrorists from unleashing a new strand of cholera into the water system of a major U.S. city. Along the way, they discover that they actually know one of these terrorists and had considered him a friend. Now he has betrayed them, and he has Dana.
Will Dave and Dana somehow succeed in stopping the devastating plans these terrorists have for the United States?
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to purchase your own copy of this hard-to-put-down book, I have provided an Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: Waterkill
Recommended Article: Researching Nanotechnology, Weapons, & the Muslim World – Guest Post by Mark J. Donovan
Favorite Sentences:
He nudged through a layer of cushioning foam and clenched the small steel tube he had received thirty-six hours earlier from a masked stranger.
He poured some coffee and inhaled the rich, strong aroma like a dredge sucking up gold from a riverbed.
The buildings in the village center, with their obvious Bavarian influence, looked like they came out of an eighteenth-century storybook.
And as she continued to stand, her body drying in the warm evening air, her will for survival and the desire to fight rose again from within.

abaya, wikimedia commons
New Words Learned:
abaya – a full-length, sleeveless outer garment worn by Arabs
adhan – the Islamic call to worship
ancillary – providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system
bucolic – of or relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life
chronograph – an instrument for recording time with great accuracy
concussion – violent shock as from a heavy blow
flocculation – the process of forming into small clumps or masses
gimbal– a mechanism, typically consisting of rings pivoted at right angles, for keeping an instrument such as a compass or chronometer horizontal in a moving vessel or aircraft
hypertrophic – a word describing an excessive growth or accumulation of any kind
insidious – proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects

keffiyeh, wikipedia
keffiyeh – a Bedouin Arab’s kerchief worn as a headdress
Marburg virus – a re-emerging pathogen that poses a significant threat to human health. This naturally occurring virus can cause a fulminating hemorrhagic disease with a severe shock syndrome and high mortality in both humans and nonhuman primates.
niqab – is a cloth that covers the face as a part of sartorial hijab. It is worn by some Muslim women in public areas and in front of non-mahram adult males, especially in the Hanbali Muslim faith tradition.
obfuscate – to make obscure or unclear
photovoltaic – relating to the production of electric current at the junction of two substances exposed to light
preponderance – greater in number
stanch – also staunch; stop or restrict a flow of blood from a wound
strafe – attack repeatedly with bombs or machine-gun fire from low-flying aircraft
thobe – an ankle-length Arab garment usually with long sleeves, similar to a robe
About the Author:
Mark Donovan is the author of the thriller novels Nano Surveillance and Waterkill. He has also authored numerous eBooks and articles on a wide variety of home improvement topics through his website Many of his articles are nationally syndicated. He currently resides in New Hampshire where he has spent his career working in various high-tech engineering and marketing positions. He holds degrees in electrical engineering and business and is a private pilot. Visit his website at for new book release alerts.