Why I Wrote a Christian Sci-Fi Novel – Guest Post by C. Borden

I am C. Borden, an indie author of hope-centered fiction books and short stories. I’ve written six books, dozens of short stories, and have more preparing to be published. I write across many genres, but I tend to gravitate toward fantasy and science fiction.

While I have a zombie novel coming out in October and another fantasy novel coming out around Christmas, I’m truly excited to talk a bit about my most recent release, Valiance, a Christian science fiction novel.

You read that right: Christian. Science fiction.

Not a mistake. Though I understand if you are confused.  The genres appear to clash, right? Even in the US, where the majority of people profess to be Christian, faith and science are assumed to be at odds with the other.

Valiance pokes at that assumption.

I read somewhere once that “faith is nothing more than a filler to questions that science can’t answer. Yet.” (Something like that.)

I would argue that science more fully bolsters faith, and faith can be incredibly strong even with a strong foundation and trust in science.

An Unnecessary War: The Tragedy and Wasted Effort of the Conflict between Science and Religion, rawpixel

This divide in our culture (exacerbated by our education system and ignored by our churches) has fascinated and disappointed me. Still, I didn’t consider shining a light on it until I had a conversation with a young man where this divide was amplified. Trying to explain to him that faith and science work so well together, and in fact rely on one another, it became clear the anathema of trying to link the two.

When I was writing Valiance, I knew I was taking a risk putting a Christian-centered story into a science-centered genre. But writing Valiance scratched an itch that had been bothering me for most of my adult life: the incredible divide between faith and science despite the Bible being full of science-supported facts meshing intimately with faith.

Christians largely discount acknowledgment of science as a powerful tool of faith. Agnostics and atheists largely refuse to acknowledge the process of faith within science itself.

As I considered that conversation, I knew I wanted to try to work it out for myself. This desire spawned a series of “what if” questions. What would it be like to live in a world where faith had been completely eradicated as it sometimes feels our modern society is pushing for? How would the world be different? Or the same? And what would people in that society do when science failed to explain something – a natural phenomenon that takes a menacing turn for no testable, verifiable reason?

Valiance is my attempt to share my thought that science supports and gives evidence of God, a substantial tool in the sharing of my faith.

I had an incredible journey creating the world of Valiance and developing Dr. Jena Lau and her community. I’m quite proud to have written a true science fiction novel with clear Christian tones. If you’ve not read it, I hope you will. And I politely beg you to leave a review once you’ve finished.

Recommended Article: Valiance – a Review

Amazon Link: Valiance

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