What would you wish for if you were granted three wishes?

Jake is a freshman in high school, not one of the popular crowd. His parents are divorced, and money is tight for Jake and his mom.
When he finds an old ship’s lantern with something written on it about being granted three wishes, he doesn’t believe it. But when the next thing he nonchalantly wishes for appears, he realizes the wishes are real.
When he makes his second wish (and this one is intentional), the results of it are captured on film and seen around the world. Now everyone knows that whatever Jake wishes for will happen.
What started out as something fun for Jake has now turned into a nightmare. His life has become something he never wished for. Everyone has an opinion of what his final wish should be. Do away with world hunger. World peace. No more poverty.
Jake’s social status at school goes way up. Even the popular kids want to be friends with him. The media won’t leave him alone.

Bad guys are after him. Corrupt government officials want to decide what his final wish will be. All Jake wants is his life back. At one point, I felt so bad for him that I wished (I didn’t have a magic lamp or lantern) I could just shrivel up and fade away for him. The pressure must have been overwhelming for him.
Experience the twists, turns, and adventures of Jake’s life in this coming-of-age fantasy book. Because of the magic lantern and the three wishes, Jake discovers who his true friends are, who really cares about him, and who wants to take advantage of him. Even though Jake is fourteen, this book wasn’t written for young people. But I believe that it is appropriate for young teens, older teens, and adults.
What is Jake’s final wish? Does he wish for his family to be reunited? Does he wish for wealth so that he and his mom will never want for anything again? Does someone else decide his wish for him?
If you were granted three wishes, what would you wish for?
This book was sent to me in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to read this book for yourself or buy a copy for someone you know, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: You Wish
Recommended Article: Writing You Wish – Guest Post by Mark Scott Piper

New Word Learned:
cruller – a rich, light cake cut from a rolled dough and deep-fried, usually having a twisted oblong shape and sometimes topped with sugar or icing.
Favorite Sentences:
On bad days, she felt like Wile E. Coyote in a Road Runner cartoon.
He hiked up his gut and strode toward the limo with a swagger meant to emulate a hungry lion, but he had too much body mass; it was more reminiscent of a drunken walrus.
The guy smelled like baby powder dipped in cherry cough syrup.
Questions flew at Hacker like angry bees from a ruptured hive.

About the Author:
Mark Scott Piper has been writing professionally his entire adult life. He is a longtime freelance writer and video director/producer. Mark holds an MA and a PhD in English from the University of Oregon, and he has taught literature and writing at the college level for several years. You Wish is his debut novel.