Is taking the law into your own hands ever a good idea? Would the personal satisfaction it brings outweigh just how illegal it is?
Kurt Jamison and Frankie Cartwright grew up as best friends. They were inseparable. But then something tragic happened that forever separated them.
Kurt became a policeman. Frankie became a criminal mastermind. And even though Frankie tried in his own way to rekindle the friendship, never the twain shall meet.
When Frankie’s sixteen-year-old granddaughter is abducted, he goes to Kurt for help. Whoever abducted Mollie has been busy; Mollie is his seventh victim. None of the other six survived.
Kurt won’t go beyond legal means to find Mollie. Frankie wants to find her using any means possible. So, even when it is an emergency, these two cannot agree to work together.
A story about hunting down a crazed psychopath turns into so much more. The story opens with this crazed individual stalking his latest victim. I was immediately concerned for her. I just knew that she was going to end up being tortured and killed by her kidnapper. The race is on to see who will find Mollie first: the police or her grandfather. And when she is found, will she be dead or alive?
In this unputdownable book, familial and personal relationships are on the line as is Mollie’s life. And depending on who finds Mollie first, her abductor’s life could be on the line as well.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like your own copy to read, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: A Necessary Evil
Recommended Article: The Flesh and Blood trilogy – a Review

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Favorite Sentences:
He’d never grown tired of that feeling—the anticipation he felt in those last few seconds before approaching a new girl.
He’d told Kurt that it was one of the many perks of wearing a badge, so why not take full advantage whenever possible?
Criminal Minds was one of her favorite shows, and Agent Morgan had always tickled her fancy.
The old man was just playing with him the way a cat played with a mouse before he finally sank his teeth into its neck.
New Word Learned:
ficus tree
About the Author:
Christina Kaye was raised in suburban Central Kentucky in a family full of right-brainers. With a photographer/artist for a grandfather and an author/illustrator for a mother, she was bound to turn out on the creative side of the spectrum. She honed her writing skills in school, winning awards for her essays and short stories. Christina tried her hand at about every sport imaginable, which only went to prove that her efforts were better spent in other creative outlets such as art, singing, and writing. But it was writing that really stuck with her and she spent the next several years trying her hand at writing fiction novels, just for the fun of it.
She took a break for a while and focused on putting herself through paralegal school while raising two amazing Irish twin girls. She quickly learned that being a certified paralegal was the best career choice she could have made. On top of all of the cool cases she has worked on over the years, she was able to write original legal documents autonomously. When a national magazine for attorneys approached her in 2013 to write a short story for them about the life of a paralegal, she jumped on the opportunity. When the article was published and garnered her some amazing feedback, she realized how much she missed creative writing. She sat down and wrote her very first full-length fiction novel that year and hasn’t stopped writing since.