Confusing Words from Dine to Disinterested

Would you go out to diner or dinner? Would you take a dinghy or a dingy out on the lake? When you find facts that prove something is wrong, do you disprove or disapprove it? Are you disinterested or uninterested when you have absolutely no interest in something?

ready to dine,

ready to dine,

dine, dyne
When you dine, you eat.
Jeremy took Alison out to dine.
Dyne is a unit of force.
Dyne, a physics term, is the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 centimeter per second to a mass of 1 gram.

diner, dinner
diner is a person who eats. A diner is also a small, informal, and inexpensive restaurant.
The diner Kelly opened was a smashing success.
Dinner is the main meal of the day.
Mom made chicken tetrazzini for dinner this evening.

dinghy, wikimedia commons

dinghy, wikimedia commons

dinghy, dingy
dinghy is a small boat with a motor.
The couple left their dinghy at the moor.
If something is dingy, it is shabby, dismal, or dull in color.
The dingy diner looked out of place in the quaint little town.

dire, dyer
Dire means dreadful, terrible, or desperate.
The student was not prepared for the dire consequences of skipping school so many times.
dyer is one who dyes or changes the color of something.
The new factory downtown wants to hire a professional dyer.

disapprove, disprove
Disapprove means to not approve of or to find wrong.
Helen knew her parents would disapprove of her actions, so she did many things in secret.
Disprove means to prove wrong.
The lawyer set out to disprove the eyewitness’s testimony.

dandelion seed dispersal, wikimedia commons

dandelion seed dispersal, wikimedia commons

disburse, disperse
Disburse means to pay out money. It also means to distribute or scatter.
The treasurer will disburse the funds to the appropriate people.
Disperse means to scatter.
She will disperse the wildflower seeds over her entire yard.

discreet, discrete
A person who is discreet shows good judgment and is prudent.
Her discreet silence on the matter was appreciated.
Discrete means separate and distinct.
The mall has many discrete shops to choose from.

2014 DecaNation discus throw, wikimedia commons

2014 DecaNation discus throw, wikimedia commons

discus, discuss
discus is a circular disc thrown in athletic competitions.
Jeremy practiced throwing the discus every evening.
When you discuss something, you talk about it.
We need to discuss the plans you have for marketing the book.


disillusion, dissolution
As a verb, disillusion means to free from enchantment. As a noun, it means disenchantment.
It is not my purpose to disillusion you.
Dissolution is the act of dissolving into parts. It is the breaking up of partnerships, organizations, etc.
The dissolution of the mega-corporation was painful, but everyone knew it was coming.

impartial, or disinterested, jury, wikipedia

impartial, or disinterested, jury, wikipedia

disinterested, uninterested
If a person is disinterested, he is impartial.
The lawyer discovered that a disinterested jury is extremely hard to put together.
If a person is uninterested in something, then he has no interest at all in it.
Jeff was uninterested in finding a job.

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