Confusing Words from Deprecation to Dyes

Would you order desert or dessert after dinner? Do you device a plan or devise a plan? Is the grass wet with dew, do, or due in the morning? If you wish to change the color of a shirt, would you die it or dye it?

vehicle depreciation over 20 years, wikipedia

vehicle depreciation over 20 years, wikipedia

deprecation, depreciation
Deprecation is earnest disapproval.
Miranda’s deprecation of the daring scheme enough just wasn’t enough to persuade her friends not to carry through with it.
Depreciation is a decrease in value due to decay, wear and tear, or a decline in price and demand.
The depreciation in the value of their stock put them in a bind financially.

descension, dissension, distension, distention
Descension means descent.
The steep descension proved too dangerous for the elderly members of the tour to traverse.
Dissension is a quarrel or strong disagreement.
The dissension between the two families resulted in a feud that lasted for hundreds of years.
Distension or distention is the state of being expanded or increased in size.
The distension of the balloon was so great that it burst.

desert, wikipedia

desert, wikipedia

desert, dessert
desert is a dry, barren wasteland. As a verb, desert means to abandon.
Upon reaching the desert, the man who had become separated from his group gave up all hope of being found.
Note: The phrase just deserts means that which is deserved. An obsolete meaning of desert is something that is deserved or merited.
A dessert is a sweet treat that is normally served at the end of a meal.
The children were astounded when they learned that dessert was always eaten before dinner in this strange and unfamiliar land.

desperate, disparate
The adjective desperate conveys a sense of urgency, despair, or hopelessness.
The desperate struggle to survive the attack of the bandits cost them valuable time.
Disparate means different or dissimilar.
The disparate ideas of the students gave the instructor a good basis for his next lesson.

Lego spybot device, wikimedia commons

Lego spybot device, wikimedia commons

device, devise
device is an invention, trick, or scheme.
The unique device she created for her science experiment went on to win many awards.
Devise means to contrive, plan, or elaborate.
The group of students was trying to devise a way to cheat on the upcoming test without being caught.

deviser, devisor, divisor
deviser or devisor is one who devises or plans.
Alfred was the original deviser of the diabolical scheme.
Divisor is a mathematical term. It is the number by which the dividend is divided.
Part of the test required that each divisor be identified.

dew on a spider web, wikimedia commons

dew on a spider web, wikimedia commons

dew, do, do, due
Dew is the moisture in the atmosphere that is deposited on any cool surface.
Dew soaked the laundry that had been left hanging on the line overnight.
Do, pronounce as dew, has many meanings. It means to perform, accomplish, or complete, among other things.
Sammi will do her homework after dinner this evening.
Do, pronounced with a long o, is the first key on the diatonic scale.
The music teacher led her class in singing, “Do, re, mi. . . :”
When a bill is due, it means the time for paying the amount owed has arrived.
The doctor’s bill is due by the 15th of next month.

die, dye
To die means to cease to live or function.
My love for you will never die.
Dye is a coloring matter used to change the color of an item.
The hair dye will change the color of her hair from blonde to black.

tie dye T-shirts, wikimedia commons

tie dye T-shirts, wikimedia commons

died, dyed
If someone or something has died, the person or thing has ceased to live or function.
When great-grandfather died, his property was divided amongst his children.
If an item has been dyed, then its original color has been changed by being treated with a substance that contains coloring matter.
The jeans have been dyed a vivid green.

dies, dyes
Dies is the plural of die. It means ceases or expires.
The hatred in my heart dies a bit more each time you look at me that way.
Dyes is the plural of dye. It is more than one coloring matter that changes the color of an item.
The truck carrying the shipment of dyes turned over while crossing the bridge.

confusing words,

confusing words,

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